John Dugard, The South West Africa/Namibia Dispute: Documents and Scholarly Writings on the Controversy Between South Africa and the United Nations, University of California Press, 1973, page 124Archiválva 2018. július 18-i dátummal a Wayback Machine-ben.
Official Documents of the 4th Session of the United Nations General Assembly], United Nations, 1949, page 11
Vivienne Jabri, Mediating Conflict: Decision-making and Western Intervention in Namibia], Manchester University Press, 1990, page 46Archiválva 2018. július 18-i dátummal a Wayback Machine-ben.
John Dugard, The South West Africa/Namibia Dispute: Documents and Scholarly Writings on the Controversy Between South Africa and the United Nations, University of California Press, 1973, page 124Archiválva 2018. július 18-i dátummal a Wayback Machine-ben.
Vivienne Jabri, Mediating Conflict: Decision-making and Western Intervention in Namibia], Manchester University Press, 1990, page 46Archiválva 2018. július 18-i dátummal a Wayback Machine-ben.