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Pellicanò G, Al Mamun M, Jurado-Santiago D, Villa-Hernández S, Yin X, Giannattasio M, Lanz MC, Smolka MB, Yeeles J, Shirahige K, García-Díaz M, Bermejo R (2021. július 1.). „Checkpoint-mediated DNA polymerase ε exonuclease activity curbing counteracts resection-driven fork collapse”. Mol Cell81 (13), 2778–2792. o. DOI:10.1016/j.molcel.2021.04.006. PMID33932350. PMC7612761.
Johnson RE, Klassen R, Prakash L, Prakash S (2015. július 1.). „A Major Role of DNA Polymerase δ in Replication of Both the Leading and Lagging DNA Strands”. Molecular Cell59 (2), 163–175. o. DOI:10.1016/j.molcel.2015.05.038. PMID26145172. PMC4517859.
Lujan SA, Williams JS, Kunkel TA (2016. szeptember 1.). „DNA Polymerases Divide the Labor of Genome Replication”. Trends in Cell Biology26 (9), 640–54. o. DOI:10.1016/j.tcb.2016.04.012. PMID27262731. PMC4993630.
Shivji MK, Podust VN, Hübscher U, Wood RD (1995. április 1.). „Nucleotide excision repair DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase epsilon in the presence of PCNA, RFC, and RPA”. Biochemistry34 (15), 5011–7. o. DOI:10.1021/bi00015a012. PMID7711023.
Huang D, Pospiech H, Kesti T, Syväoja JE (1999. május 1.). „Structural organization and splice variants of the POLE1 gene encoding the catalytic subunit of human DNA polymerase epsilon”. Biochem J339 (Pt 3), 657–665. o. PMID10215605. PMC1220202. (Hozzáférés: 2024. március 13.)
Korona DA, LeCompte KG, Pursell ZF (2010. október 29.). „The high fidelity and unique error signature of human DNA polymerase ε”. Nucleic Acids Res39 (5), 1763–1773. o. DOI:10.1093/nar/gkq1034. PMID21036870. PMC3061053.
Pellicanò G, Al Mamun M, Jurado-Santiago D, Villa-Hernández S, Yin X, Giannattasio M, Lanz MC, Smolka MB, Yeeles J, Shirahige K, García-Díaz M, Bermejo R (2021. július 1.). „Checkpoint-mediated DNA polymerase ε exonuclease activity curbing counteracts resection-driven fork collapse”. Mol Cell81 (13), 2778–2792. o. DOI:10.1016/j.molcel.2021.04.006. PMID33932350. PMC7612761.
Huang D, Pospiech H, Kesti T, Syväoja JE (1999. május 1.). „Structural organization and splice variants of the POLE1 gene encoding the catalytic subunit of human DNA polymerase epsilon”. Biochem J339 (Pt 3), 657–665. o. PMID10215605. PMC1220202.
Johnson RE, Klassen R, Prakash L, Prakash S (2015. július 1.). „A Major Role of DNA Polymerase δ in Replication of Both the Leading and Lagging DNA Strands”. Molecular Cell59 (2), 163–175. o. DOI:10.1016/j.molcel.2015.05.038. PMID26145172. PMC4517859.
Lujan SA, Williams JS, Kunkel TA (2016. szeptember 1.). „DNA Polymerases Divide the Labor of Genome Replication”. Trends in Cell Biology26 (9), 640–54. o. DOI:10.1016/j.tcb.2016.04.012. PMID27262731. PMC4993630.
Huang D, Pospiech H, Kesti T, Syväoja JE (1999. május 1.). „Structural organization and splice variants of the POLE1 gene encoding the catalytic subunit of human DNA polymerase epsilon”. Biochem J339 (Pt 3), 657–665. o. PMID10215605. PMC1220202. (Hozzáférés: 2024. március 13.)
Korona DA, LeCompte KG, Pursell ZF (2010. október 29.). „The high fidelity and unique error signature of human DNA polymerase ε”. Nucleic Acids Res39 (5), 1763–1773. o. DOI:10.1093/nar/gkq1034. PMID21036870. PMC3061053.
Pellicanò G, Al Mamun M, Jurado-Santiago D, Villa-Hernández S, Yin X, Giannattasio M, Lanz MC, Smolka MB, Yeeles J, Shirahige K, García-Díaz M, Bermejo R (2021. július 1.). „Checkpoint-mediated DNA polymerase ε exonuclease activity curbing counteracts resection-driven fork collapse”. Mol Cell81 (13), 2778–2792. o. DOI:10.1016/j.molcel.2021.04.006. PMID33932350. PMC7612761.
Huang D, Pospiech H, Kesti T, Syväoja JE (1999. május 1.). „Structural organization and splice variants of the POLE1 gene encoding the catalytic subunit of human DNA polymerase epsilon”. Biochem J339 (Pt 3), 657–665. o. PMID10215605. PMC1220202.