Ohashi E, Ogi T, Kusumoto R, Iwai S, Masutani C, Hanaoka F, Ohmori H (2000. augusztus 1.). „Error-prone bypass of certain DNA lesions by the human DNA polymerase κ”. Genes Dev14 (13), 1589–94. o. DOI:10.1101/gad.14.13.1589. PMID10887153. PMC316741.
Gerlach VL, Aravind L, Gotway G, Schultz RA, Koonin EV, Friedberg EC (1999. november 1.). „Human and mouse homologs of Escherichia coli DinB (DNA polymerase IV), members of the UmuC/DinB superfamily”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A96 (21), 11922–7. o. DOI:10.1073/pnas.96.21.11922. PMID10518552. PMC18388.
*Washington MT, Johnson RE, Prakash L, Prakash S (2002). „Human DINB1-encoded DNA polymerase κ is a promiscuous extender of mispaired primer termini”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.99 (4), 1910–4. o. DOI:10.1073/pnas.032594399. PMID11842189. PMC122293.
Ohashi E, Ogi T, Kusumoto R, Iwai S, Masutani C, Hanaoka F, Ohmori H (2000. augusztus 1.). „Error-prone bypass of certain DNA lesions by the human DNA polymerase κ”. Genes Dev14 (13), 1589–94. o. DOI:10.1101/gad.14.13.1589. PMID10887153. PMC316741.
Gerlach VL, Aravind L, Gotway G, Schultz RA, Koonin EV, Friedberg EC (1999. november 1.). „Human and mouse homologs of Escherichia coli DinB (DNA polymerase IV), members of the UmuC/DinB superfamily”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A96 (21), 11922–7. o. DOI:10.1073/pnas.96.21.11922. PMID10518552. PMC18388.
*Washington MT, Johnson RE, Prakash L, Prakash S (2002). „Human DINB1-encoded DNA polymerase κ is a promiscuous extender of mispaired primer termini”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.99 (4), 1910–4. o. DOI:10.1073/pnas.032594399. PMID11842189. PMC122293.
Ohashi E, Ogi T, Kusumoto R, Iwai S, Masutani C, Hanaoka F, Ohmori H (2000. augusztus 1.). „Error-prone bypass of certain DNA lesions by the human DNA polymerase κ”. Genes Dev14 (13), 1589–94. o. DOI:10.1101/gad.14.13.1589. PMID10887153. PMC316741.
Gerlach VL, Aravind L, Gotway G, Schultz RA, Koonin EV, Friedberg EC (1999. november 1.). „Human and mouse homologs of Escherichia coli DinB (DNA polymerase IV), members of the UmuC/DinB superfamily”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A96 (21), 11922–7. o. DOI:10.1073/pnas.96.21.11922. PMID10518552. PMC18388.
*Washington MT, Johnson RE, Prakash L, Prakash S (2002). „Human DINB1-encoded DNA polymerase κ is a promiscuous extender of mispaired primer termini”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.99 (4), 1910–4. o. DOI:10.1073/pnas.032594399. PMID11842189. PMC122293.