2024 Payroll Calculator for Slovakia (angol nyelven). accace.com , 2024. február 2. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 16.) „Do you apply the non-taxable part of the tax base? - Yes”
Labour Law and Employment in Slovakia – 2024 Guide (angol nyelven). accace.com , 2024. január 19. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 16.) „Please note that as of January 1st, 2024 the minimum monthly wage in Slovakia is EUR 750 in case of the 1st degree of labour difficulty. The minimum wage depends on the degree of labour difficulty rating. Minimum hourly wage is EUR 4.310.”
Minimálbér 2024: íme, minden részlet ("Minimum wage 2024: here are all the details") (magyar nyelven). ado.hu , 2023. november 27. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 14.) „The mandatory minimum wage from December 1, 2023: • in case of monthly salary, HUF 266,800/month [...] • HUF 1,534/hour if an hourly wage is applied The guaranteed minimum wage of an employee employed in a position requiring at least a secondary education/professional qualification in case of full-time work as of December 1, 2023: • 326,000 HUF/month in case of monthly salary [...] • HUF 1,874/hour if an hourly wage is applied (Translation)”
¿Cuánto se debe cotizar en la CASS? ("How much should you contribute to the CASS?") (spanyol nyelven). AndorraTarinas.com , 2023. március 2. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 22.) „CASS: Andorran Social Security Fund - [...] Your contribution to the CASS must be 6.5% of the gross salary, which will be the contribution that will be passed on to the worker's payroll. [...] is used to contribute 3% for general benefits and 3.5% for retirement. (Translation)”
„Gələn il minimum maaş artırılmayacaq, bəs qiymətlər? ("The minimum wage won't be raised next year, but what about prices?")”, Azadlıq Radiosu , Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 2023. november 1. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 17.) (azerbajdzsáni nyelvű) „It is clear from the opinion of the Chamber of Accounts on the bill "On the state budget of 2024" that the minimum wage will not change next year, it will remain at 345 manats.[...] It should not be forgotten that taxes and social payments are also deducted from the minimum salary of 345 manats. Therefore, in Azerbaijan, an employee who is paid at the minimum wage level (345 AZN) earns 316 AZN if he works in the private sector, and 306 AZN if he works in the public sector. (Translation)”
SMIC à Monaco: augmentation au 1er janvier 2024 ("SMIC in Monaco: increase on January 1, 2024") (francia nyelven). belaieff-yvan.com . Yvan BELAIEFF, Accountant approved by the Prince's Government, 2024. január 5. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 15.) „With an increase of 1.13%, the minimum wage will rise from January 2024 to: • hourly wage: €11.65 • weekly salary (for 39 hours): €454.35 • monthly salary (for 39 hours per week or 169 hours per month): €1,968.85 (Translation)”
Real Decreto 145/2024, de 6 de febrero, por el que se fija el salario mínimo interprofesional para 2024 (spanyol nyelven). BOE.es pp. 14576–14580. Government of Spain, 2024. február 6. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 10.) „2. In accordance with article 8.5 of Royal Decree 1620/2011, of November 14, which regulates the employment relationship of a special nature in the family home service, which is taken as a reference for determining the minimum wage for female employees and domestic employees who work by the hour, externally, the one set for casual and temporary workers and which includes all remuneration items, the minimum wage for said domestic employees will be 8.87 euros per hour actually worked. (Translation)”
2024 წლის 1-ელი იანვრიდან ექთნებს მინიმალური სახელფასო ზღვარი დაუწესდებათ (grúz nyelven). Business Insider Georgia , 2023. október 17. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 17.) „The reform of the minimum hourly wage for medical personnel is expanding - from January 1, 2024, the minimum salary threshold will be established for medical personnel employed in the following positions: • Junior doctor - at least 960 GEL per month (5 GEL per hour) • Nurse's assistant - at least 672 GEL per month (3.5 GEL per hour) • Midwife - at least 844 GEL per month (4.4 GEL per hour) • Sanitary - no less than 576 GEL per month (3 GEL per hour). [...] In the first stage of the reform, from 2023, the minimum salary for doctors and nurses was successfully introduced.[...] As a result of the reform, all clinics included in the universal healthcare program with an inpatient component will be obliged to determine the salary of the medical staff taking into account the minimum threshold presented by the Ministry of Health. (Translation)”
Minimum wage (angol nyelven). citizensinformation.ie . Citizens Information Board, 2024. január 1. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 14.) „Since 1 January 2024, the national minimum wage is €12.70 per hour. Some people get sub-minimum rates, such as people aged under 20”
"მინიმალური ხელფასის განსაზღვრა გამოიწვევს ზარალს როგორც ეკონომიკისთვის, ისე დასაქმებულებისთვის" - რამაზ გერლიანი (grúz nyelven). commersant.ge , 2023. október 10. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 24.) „According to economist Ramaz Gerliani, implementation of the minimum wage standard in Georgia will bring negative economic results. [...] „Regarding the minimum salary, different numbers are mentioned in the range of 300 to 600 GEL. This means that if 500 GEL is the minimum wage, unemployment will increase in those categories, for example among students, where many work for less than 500 GEL to gain experience. [...] For our situation, the adoption of the law on the minimum wage today, which may be somewhat higher than the equilibrium [minimum] wage, I mean higher than 400-500 GEL [€140-€175], will cause more damage to the economy and to the employees themselves,“ Ramaz Gerliani said. For information, the Union of Trade Unions of Georgia demands that a minimum wage standard be established in the country, which would be 40% of the average wage calculated by Saxstat and which, as of today, would amount to 636 GEL [€221]. (Translation)”
Minimum wage increased to €1,000 a month (Updated) (angol nyelven). Cyprus Mail, 2023. december 20. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 17.) „The minimum wage will go up from €940 to €1,000 a month, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou announced on Wednesday after the cabinet meeting,[...] “The government, evaluating all the data… decided to issue the decree… which provides that the monthly minimum wage for full-time employment after completing six months of continuous employment, increases from €940 to €1,000,” the minister said.[...] The decree does not cover domestic workers, people working in agriculture and livestock, persons employed in the shipping industry, and hotel workers who are covered by a different decree.”
'Historic' minimum wage set at €940 after six months of employment (angol nyelven). Cyprus Mail, 2022. augusztus 31. (Hozzáférés: 2022. szeptember 3.) „The “historic” move came after Wednesday’s cabinet meeting, while Koushos explained that for the first six months of employment the wage will be at least €885 – later rising to the minimum threshold of €940. That likely means seasonal workers in the tourism industry, for example, will not be eligible for the higher amount.”
Employers disappointed with minimum wage decision (angol nyelven). Cyprus Mail, 2023. december 21. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 17.) „Meanwhile, trade unions Sek and Deok welcomed the government’s proposal, while left-wing union Peo still had reservations with it.[...] in a statement, Peo said the 1.7 per cent increase in the minimum wage for recruitment and 6.4 per cent after six months of service with the same employer does not fully restore the market value of the minimum wage [...] The union added that the data is even worse for the minimum recruitment wage, which under the decision is not increasing at the same rate as the wage after six months of service.”
Trabajo y los sindicatos acuerdan subir el salario mínimo un 5%, hasta los 1.134 euros (spanyol nyelven). elpais.com . El País, 2024. január 12. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 16.) „The Ministry of Labor and the unions agreed this Friday to raise the minimum interprofessional wage (SMI) by 5%, to 1,134 gross euros in 14 payments.[...] In annual calculation, the minimum wage improves by 756 euros: it goes from 15,120 in 2023 to 15,876 in 2024. (Translation)”
Nezdaniteľná časť základu dane na daňovníka ("The non-taxable part of the taxpayer's tax base") (szlovák nyelven). financnasprava.sk . Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic, 2024. január 24. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 16.) „The taxpayer is entitled to apply the non-taxable part of the tax base only from the partial tax base from income from dependent activity [i.e. employment] and income from business or other self-employment or their total, i.e. from the so-called actively performed work, depending on the reported tax base.[...] If the taxpayer's tax base in 2023 is equal to or lower than EUR 21,754.18, the non-taxable part of the taxpayer's tax base is EUR 4,922.82. (Translation)”
OBRAČUN PLAĆE ("PAYROLL ACCOUNTING") (bosnyák nyelven). finprofi.ba . (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 14.) „(Translation) [FBiH] Salary structure: 1) Amount of salary on hand (amount paid to the worker) 2) + income tax 3) Net salary or basis for tax calculation (1+2) 4) + contribution from salary (PIO, Health, Unemployment = 31% of gross salary) 5) Gross salary (3+4)”
SALARIUL MINIM PE ŢARĂ ÎN ANUL 2024 VA CONSTITUI 5000 LEI, MAI MARE CU 1000 DE LEI DECÂT ÎN 2023 (román nyelven). gov.md . Government of Moldova, 2023. december 6. (Hozzáférés: 2024. január 17.) „Starting next year, the national minimum wage will increase from 4,000 to 5,000 lei. The decision was approved today during the Government meeting, after the prior consultation of the social partners. The amount of the national minimum wage is established for a full work schedule of 169 hours, constituting 29.58 lei per hour. (Translation)”
National Minimum Wage (angol nyelven). dier.gov.mt . Government of Malta, 2023. október 25. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 15.) „For 2024, the national minimum wage per week of whole-time employees is: • Age 18 years and over: €213.54 [...] 2024 Hourly rate: €5.34”
Minimum wage amounts (angol nyelven). government.nl . Government of the Netherlands, 2023. október 24. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 15.) „From 1 January 2024 the minimum wage is fixed per hour. The statutory minimum wage is the amount payable per hour before tax.[...] As of 2024 there is no longer a monthly, weekly or daily minimum wage.[...] Table: Hourly minimum wage before tax as of 1 January 2024, by age • 21 years and older: €13.27 • 20 years: €10.62 • 19 years: €7.96 • 18 years: €6.64 • 17 years: €5.24 • 16 years: €4.58 • 15 years: €3.98”
Changes in taxation, effective as of 1 January, 2022 (angol nyelven). GrantThornton.lv , 2022. január 1. (Hozzáférés: 2023. június 9.) „The maximum non-taxable minimum of PIT has been increased,[...] from 01.07.2022 - EUR 500 per month”
Salary Calculator (angol nyelven). recruitment.growmo.re . GrowMore Recruitment, 2023. augusztus 10. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 24.)
Salary Increases in the Public Sector and Bureaucracy (angol nyelven). IDFI.ge . Institute for Development of Freedom of Information, 2022. augusztus 2. (Hozzáférés: 2023. március 29.) „In 2018, in accordance with the new law, the basic official salary in the state budget was determined in the amount of 1,000 GEL, which was not changed until 2022. In the 2022 state budget, the base salary increased by 10% and was set at 1,100 GEL. When announcing this change, the Minister of Finance of Georgia stated that salaries in the public sector lagged significantly behind those in the private sector, which posed a threat to the retention of qualified personnel, as an argument for the change. In addition, the Minister explained that the salary increase in the public sector would continue in the following years,[...] Specifically, until 2026, salaries in the public sector would increase annually by approximately 10%, and after 2026, in proportion to the increase in [average] salaries in the private sector.”
EXPLORING THE MINIMUM WAGE IN GERMANY IN 2024: MASTER GUIDE (angol nyelven). ins-globalconsulting.com , 2024. január 8. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 14.) „As of 2024, the minimum wage in Germany is EUR 12.41 per hour gross. This effectively means a monthly minimum of EUR 2,151 gross (based on a 40-hour work week).”
Taxes in Montenegro: a Complete Guide for Expats in 2022 (angol nyelven). InternationalWealth.info , 2022. február 11. (Hozzáférés: 2023. június 10.) „As of January 1, 2022,[...] the minimum monthly wage for full-time work has grown from net €222 to net €450.”
Smic 2024: net, brut, taux horaire... tous les montants ("Smic 2024: net, gross, hourly rate... all amounts") (francia nyelven). journaldunet.fr . Le Journal du Net (JDN), 2024. április 2. (Hozzáférés: 2024. április 3.) „As of January 1, 2024, the [net] minimum wage rises to 1,398.69 euros, an increase of more than 15 euros. [...] Gross hourly minimum wage: 11.65€ [...] Gross monthly minimum wage for 151.67 hours of work: 1 766.92€ [...] Source: Ministry of Labour, Employment, Vocational Training and Social Dialogue. (Translation)”
Smic 2024: net, brut, taux horaire... tous les montants ("Smic 2024: net, gross, hourly rate... all amounts") (francia nyelven). journaldunet.fr . Le Journal du Net (JDN), 2024. április 2. (Hozzáférés: 2024. április 3.) „As of January 1, 2024, the [net] minimum wage rises to 1,398.69 euros, an increase of more than 15 euros. [...] Gross hourly minimum wage: 11.65€ [...] Gross monthly minimum wage for 151.67 hours of work: 1 766.92€ [...] Source: Ministry of Labour, Employment, Vocational Training and Social Dialogue. (Translation)”
Minimalus Atlyginimas Lietuvoje ir Europoje 2024 m. Statistika ("Minimum Salary in Lithuania and Europe in 2024 Statistics") (litván nyelven). kaip-uzsidirbti.lt , 2023. január 6. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 15.) „The minimum monthly salary in Lithuania in 2024 is EUR 924.00 on paper (Gross). The MMA is currently applicable from 01.01.2024 to 12.31.2024. In addition, it should be mentioned that the minimum monthly salary can only be applied to unképzett m. work (work that does not require special skills). [...] The minimum net monthly salary in Lithuania in 2024 is EUR 709.00 in hand. [...] The minimum hourly wage in Lithuania in 2024 is EUR 5.65 (before taxes). (Translation)”
Salary calculator (2024) (angol nyelven). kalkulatori.lv , 2023. december 10. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 15.) „In the field "non-Taxable minimum" is specified "0", because now it is not a fixed data, you have to specify this minimum in accordance with the data of the SRS or taxpayer's predicted minimum. The maximum non-taxable minimum per year is: • In 2023/2024 — €6000”
Жалақының ең жұтаңы бізде екен (kazah nyelven). tengemonitor.kazgazeta.kz . Tenge Monitor - Republican Economic Weekly, 2021. január 28. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 18.) „In practice, the minimum wage has not changed and remains the same at 42,500 [...] and due to the increase in insurance contributions, the "clean" [i.e. net] wage has decreased from last year and is now 37,400 tenge (-1.1% compared to 2020). (Translation)”
ЕСС: Минималната плата за 2024 година 22.567 денари (macedón nyelven). libertas.mk , 2024. március 22. (Hozzáférés: 2024. március 23.) „The minimum wage for 2024 will amount to 22,567 denars in net amount and it shows an increase of 3,613 denars in gross amount, i.e. 2,392 denars in net amount in relation to the minimum wage for 2023, it was determined at today's second session of the Economic and Social Council (ESC). (Translation)”
Минимальная заработная плата в Беларуси ("Minimum wage in Belarus") (orosz nyelven). Myfin.by , 2024. február 12. [2023. február 20-i dátummal az eredetiből archiválva]. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 13.) „As of January 2024, the minimum wage is set at 626 rubles. In 2023, the minimum wage was 554 rubles.[...] According to the Law of the Republic of Belarus, the hourly minimum wage is the result of dividing the amount of the minimum monthly wage by the ratio of the estimated working time of the calendar year and the number of months of the calendar year. (Translation)”
SALÁRIO MÍNIMO DE 820 EUROS EM VIGOR DESDE O INÍCIO DE 2024 ("MINIMUM WAGE OF 820 EUROS IN FORCE SINCE THE BEGINNING OF 2024") (portugál nyelven). deco.proteste.pt , 2024. február 14. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 15.) „As of January 1, 2024, the national minimum wage on the Continent will be 820 euros gross per month (11,480 euros annually). This represents an increase of 60 euros in the minimum salary that was in force until the end of 2023, of 760 euros. In the Autonomous Region of Madeira, the minimum guaranteed salary is now 850 euros and in the Azores, 861 euros.[...] Employees who earn the minimum wage are entitled to receive it 14 times a year.[...] Despite this, anyone earning the minimum wage is subject to an 11% contribution to Social Security. Thus, in 2024, on the Continent, instead of receiving 820 euros net per month, you will receive 729.80 euros. In Madeira, the values are 756.50 euros and in the Azores, 766.29 euros. (Translation)”
636 ლარი - ღირსეული მინიმალური ხელფასი თუ უმუშევრობის ზრდის საფრთხე? ("636 GEL - a decent minimum wage or the threat of unemployment?") (grúz nyelven). RadioTavisupleba.ge . Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 2023. október 6. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 24.) „...the 1999 order of the President of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze, N351, according to which the minimum wage in the private sector is set at 20 lari, has remained in force and is still valid today, presently having more of a symbolic character. [...] According to the data of the Revenue Service for July 2023, 238,000 people in Georgia have a taxable salary of up to 800 GEL. For example, according to the July data, 34,000 people have a salary of 300 to 400 GEL. The salary of 38,000 people varies from 500 to 600 GEL. Up to 30,000 people receive a salary of 200 to 300 GEL. (Translation)”
МРОТ в 2024 году повысят. Каким будет минимальный размер оплаты труда. ("The minimum wage will increase in 2024. What will be the minimum wage?") (orosz nyelven). RBC.ru , 2023. december 14. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 16.) „The minimum wage in Russia from January 1, 2024 will be 19,242 rubles per month. [...] Accordingly, from January 1, 2024, in all regions [of Russia] the minimum wage will be no lower than 19,242 rubles per month.[...] - this is a minimum that does not include the regional coefficient and the percentage premium for work in areas with special climatic conditions (the Far North and equivalent areas). For example, in 2023, the minimum wage in the central and southern regions of Russia was [the federal] 16,242 rubles per month, but in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - [it was] 48,726 rubles. (there is a regional coefficient of 2 and a 100% wage increase). [...] Also, constituent entities of Russia can conclude a regional agreement. For example, in Bashkiria [...] an agreement was signed, according to which the minimum wage in the region in 2023 for public sector employees was 18,678 rubles, and for employees of extra-budgetary spheres [i.e. private sector] - 19,743 rubles. (Translation)”
Najniža plata u FBIH za 2024. godinu ("The lowest salary in FBIH for 2024") (bosnyák nyelven). respect.ba . RESPECT – One Stop Accounting Agency, 2024. január 4. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 14.) „In the "Official Gazette of FBIH" number 101 of December 29, 2023, the Decision on the amount of the lowest salary for the year 2024 was published in the net amount of 619 KM, which is in the gross amount 948.47 KM. (Translation)”
Minimalna plata u Republici Srpskoj za 2024. godinu ("Minimum wage in the Republic of Srpska for 2024") (bosnyák nyelven). respect.ba . RESPECT – One Stop Accounting Agency, 2024. január 4. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 14.) „The Decision on the lowest salary in the Republic of Srpska for 2024 was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska No. 114 of 29 December 2023. The lowest net salary is 900 KM, gross 1344.26 KM. The same is applied to salary calculations from January 1, 2024. (Translation)”
Calculator salarii brut - net - total 2024 (román nyelven). Salarii.md , 2024. január 29. (Hozzáférés: 2024. április 9.) „Calculation options - Personal exemption: Normal (Translation)”
Government passes Decision on minimum wage for 2024 (angol nyelven). srbija.gov.rs . Government of Serbia, 2023. szeptember 14. (Hozzáférés: 2023. október 28.) „The Serbian government passed today the Decision on the minimum wage for the period January-December 2024, according to which the minimum wage, excluding taxes and contributions for the mandatory social security, will be increased to RSD 271 per working hour.[...] After this record increase, the minimum wage will amount to RSD 47,154, or an average of €401 per month.”
OFICIAL Salariul minim brut va crește la 3.700 de lei de la 1 iulie 2024. Se majorează și suma netaxabilă din minimul pe economie (román nyelven). StartupCafe.ro , 2024. június 6. (Hozzáférés: 2024. június 7.) „We remind you that separately, employees in the Construction, Agriculture and Food Industry sectors have a minimum gross salary different from the national minimum salary [...] As of November 1, 2023, these minimum wages are: • 3,436 lei per month for activities in the Agricultural sector and the Food Industry, [...] At this level, the minimum net salary (in hand) is 2,396 lei [€482], • 4,582 lei per month for activities in Construction [...] At this level, the minimum net salary (in hand) is 3,196 lei [€643], (Translation)”
OFICIAL Salariul minim brut va crește la 3.700 de lei de la 1 iulie 2024. Se majorează și suma netaxabilă din minimul pe economie (román nyelven). StartupCafe.ro , 2024. június 6. (Hozzáférés: 2024. június 7.) „Starting from July 1, 2024, an employee paid the minimum gross salary of 3,700 lei will have a net salary of 2,363 lei, and the full salary (the total cost borne by the employer) would be 3,777 lei. Employees will thus receive an additional 284 lei per month compared to the salary level of June 2024. Until now, the national minimum gross salary guaranteed in payment was 3,300 lei, respectively 2,079 lei net, the total cost borne by the employer being 3,370 lei. (Translation)”
Salaires minimums - Belgique ("Minimum wages - Belgium") (francia nyelven). Votresalaire.be , 2024. április 8. (Hozzáférés: 2024. április 9.) „The current minimum wage in Belgium is €2,029.88 per month in 2024. It came into force on April 1, 2024. [...] The work week is 38 hours, with a maximum of 9 hours per day and 45 hours per week. (Translation)”
Minimum Wage – Albania. WageIndicator.org , 2024. január 15. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 13.)
Минимальная заработная плата в Беларуси ("Minimum wage in Belarus") (orosz nyelven). Myfin.by , 2024. február 12. [2023. február 20-i dátummal az eredetiből archiválva]. (Hozzáférés: 2024. február 13.) „As of January 2024, the minimum wage is set at 626 rubles. In 2023, the minimum wage was 554 rubles.[...] According to the Law of the Republic of Belarus, the hourly minimum wage is the result of dividing the amount of the minimum monthly wage by the ratio of the estimated working time of the calendar year and the number of months of the calendar year. (Translation)”