Hipotézis (Hungarian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Hipotézis" in Hungarian language version.

Global rank Hungarian rank
low place
low place
3rd place
28th place
1,580th place
611th place
6th place
14th place
low place
1,547th place


  • Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine. Eprint via Answers.com.


  • See in "hypothesis", Century Dictionary Supplement, v. 1, 1909, New York: The Century Company. Reprinted, v. 11, p. 616 (via Internet Archive) of the Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, 1911.
    hypothesis [...]—Working hypothesis, a hypothesis suggested or supported in some measure by features of observed facts, from which consequences may be deduced which can be tested by experiment and special observations, and which it is proposed to subject to an extended course of such investigation, with the hope that, even should the hypothesis thus be overthrown, such research may lead to a tenable theory.”


