ISO 8601:2004(E). ISO, 2004. december 1. (Hozzáférés: 2010. március 7.) „Annex A … From that concept representations of all other date and time values were logically derived; thus, ISO 2014, ISO 3307 and ISO 4031 have been superseded. … Identification of a particular date by means of ordinal dates (ISO 2711) and by means of the week numbering system (ISO 2015) were alternative methods that the basic concept of this International Standard could also encompass; thus, ISO 2015 and ISO 2711 have now been superseded.”
ISO 8601:2004(E). ISO, 2004. december 1. (Hozzáférés: 2010. március 7.) „3.5 Expansion … By mutual agreement of the partners in information interchange, it is permitted to expand the component identifying the calendar year, which is otherwise limited to four digits. This enables reference to dates and times in calendar years outside the range supported by complete representations, i.e. before the start of the year [0000] or after the end of the year [9999].”
Doggett, L. E..szerk.: P. K. Seidelmann: Calendars, Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac [archivált változat]. Sausalito, California: University Science Books, 580. o. (1992). ISBN 0-935702-68-7. Hozzáférés ideje: 2010. október 26. [archiválás ideje: 2004. április 1.] „The Gregorian calendar today serves as an international standard for civil use.”
Doggett, L. E..szerk.: P. K. Seidelmann: Calendars, Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac [archivált változat]. Sausalito, California: University Science Books, 580. o. (1992). ISBN 0-935702-68-7. Hozzáférés ideje: 2010. október 26. [archiválás ideje: 2004. április 1.] „The Gregorian calendar today serves as an international standard for civil use.”