Laktobacillus védőoltás (Hungarian Wikipedia)

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  • Wölber L, Prieske K, Mendling W, Schmalfeldt B, Tietz HJ, Jaeger A (2020. február 21.). „Pruritus vulvae – Ursachen, Diagnostik und Therapie”. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 117 (8), 126–133. o. DOI:10.3238/arztebl.2020.0126. ISSN 0012-1207. PMID 32181734. „(1) Bei rezidivierenden Kolpitiden und vulvovaginaler Candidose (VVC) wird in Deutschland zum Teil eine Immunisierung mit inaktivierten Laktobazillen verschiedener Stämme angeboten. (2) Hauptindikation ist die bakterielle Vaginose. Hier konnte in den vorliegenden Studien eine deutliche Senkung der Rezidivrate um bis zu 80% gezeigt werden. Im Rahmen einer Kreuzprotektion wird auch ein Vorteil bei der VVC erwartet. Aufgrund der Datenlage zum Einsatz bei VVC ist der Nutzen der Immunisierung bei diesem Krankheitsbild aber unklar. Sie kann daher nur ergänzend zu antimykotischen Therapieformen erfolgen.” 
  • (2001. november 23.) „Impfstoff Gynatren – Erfolgreiche Therapie rezidivierender Kolpitis”. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 98 (47), A 3146. o. ISSN 0012–1207. (Hozzáférés: 2020. február 22.)

  • (2013. október 30.) „Strovac und Gynatren — Impfungen mit amtlichem ATC-Code”. MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin 155 (18), 73. o. DOI:10.1007/s15006-013-2290-1. ISSN 1438-3276. 
  • Stefan Schmiedel, Anne Gesenhues.szerk.: Stefan Gesenhues, Anne Gesenhues: Infektionen, Impfungen, Reisemedizin, Praxisleitfaden Allgemeinmedizin, 9. kiadás, Urban & Fischer in Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-3-437-22449-2.00009-5 (2020. szeptember 22.). ISBN 978-3-437-22449-2 
  • Werner Mendling. Die normale und gestörte Bakteriologie der Vagina, Vaginose, Vaginitis und Zervizitis – Mit Bildteil zu Vulvovaginalerkrankungen. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-10739-3_1 (1995). ISBN 978-3-540-58553-4 „Diese Naturgesetze können für den Mikrokosmos der bakteriellen Scheidenflora nicht anders sein. Deshalb scheint auch die Therapie, durch Antikörperbildung gegen aberrierende Laktobazillusstämme der natürlichen Flora Auftrieb zu geben (Gynatren®), besonders attraktiv zu sein. Obwohl das Präparat bereits seit etwa 15 Jahren im Handel ist, wird es überraschend selten genutzt. Im Abstand von 14 Tagen wird 3mal jeweils 1 Spritze intramuskulär gegeben, so daß sekretorisches Immunglobulin A aus der Zervix in der Vagina gegen diese "schlechten" Laktobazillen wirksam wird. Die Therapieerfolge mit Gynatren® waren ähnlich gut wie die mit Antibiotika und hielten monatelang an (Rüttgers 1982). Nach 6 Monaten kann eine Auffrischung mit einer i.m.-Spritze durchgeführt werden. Interessanterweise wirkt diese Therapie auch bei Trichomoniasis.” 
  • Werner Mendling. Bakterielle Infektionen, Vaginose, Vaginitis, Zervizitis und Salpingitis – Inklusive STD – Mit Bildteil zu Vulvovaginalerkrankungen, 2. kiadás, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-30096-0_4 (2006). ISBN 978-3-540-30095-3 
  • Pavić R, Stojković L (1983. 1). „Vaccination with SolcoTrichovac. Immunological aspects of a new approach for therapy and prophylaxis of trichomoniasis in women”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 23 (Suppl 2), 27–38. o. DOI:10.1159/000269590. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6629132. 
  • Milovanović R, Grčić R, Stojković L (1983. 1). „Serological study with SolcoTrichovac, a vaccine against Trichomonas vaginalis infection in women”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 23 (Suppl 2), 39–45. o. DOI:10.1159/000269592. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6629134. 
  • Goisis M, Magliano E, Goisis F (1983. 1). „Effects of vaccination with SolcoTrichovac on the vaginal flora and the morphology of the Doederlein bacilli”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 23 (Suppl 2), 56–63. o. DOI:10.1159/000269598. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6629136. 
  • Harris JRW (1984. 1). „Double-blind comparative study of Trichomonas vaginalis infection: SolcoTrichovac versus placebo”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 24 (Suppl 3), 44–49. o. DOI:10.1159/000269925. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6399488. 
  • Milovanović R, Grčić R, Stojković L (1983. 1). „IgA antibodies in the vaginal secretion after vaccination with SolcoTrichovac”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 23 (Suppl 2), 46–49. o. DOI:10.1159/000269594. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6629135. 
  • Boos R, Rüttgers H (1984. 1). „A new therapeutic approach in non-specific vaginitis”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 24 (Suppl 3), 7–16. o. DOI:10.1159/000269919. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6537385. 
  • Rüttgers H (1988. 1). „Bacterial vaginitis: protection against infection and secretory immunoglobulin levels in the vagina after immunization therapy with Gynatren”. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 26 (3), 240–249. o. DOI:10.1159/000293700. ISSN 1423-002X. PMID 3240892. 
  • Milovanović R, Grčić R, Stojković L (1983. 1). „Changes in the vaginal flora of trichomoniasis patients after vaccination with SolcoTrichovac”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 23 (Suppl 2), 50–55. o. DOI:10.1159/000269596. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6354887. 
  • Lázár Erika, Varga Gyula, Institoris István, Újhelyi Károly (1981. 9). „Kis súlyú újszülöttek arányszámának csökkentése terhesek lactobact vakcinációjával”. Orvosi Hetilap 122 (37), 2263–2268. o. DOI:10.1556/650.1981.09.06. ISSN 0030-6002. PMID 7312342. (Hozzáférés: 2020. február 22.) 
  • Udo B. Hoyme.szerk.: Jürgen Wacker, Gunther Bastert, Martin Sillem: Prävention der Frühgeburt, Therapiehandbuch Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 59-69. o.. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-30098-4_7 (2007). ISBN 978-3-540-30097-7 „Hinsichtlich der Prävention ist in der Schwangerschaft allerdings die kontinuierliche Gabe von Gynoflor/Vagiflor eine Option, außerhalb bei entsprechender Disposition und belasteter geburtshilflicher Anamnese die Immunisierung mit Gynatren.” 
  • Klimek R, Dembowska J, Bałajewicz M, Plechanow J (1989. 1). „Effect of immunopotentialization on rate of vaginal smear normalization according to appearance of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia”. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics: the Official Organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 28 (1), 41–44. o. DOI:10.1016/0020-7292(89)90542-0. ISSN 1879-3479. PMID 2565829. 
  • Bałajewicz M, Dembowska J, Klimek R (1989. 12). „Test of immunopotentialization in colposcopy – a clinical evaluation”. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology 33 (3), 253-257. o. DOI:10.1016/0028-2243(89)90138-x. ISSN 1872-7654. PMID 2599254. 
  • Jirovec O, Peter R, Malek I (1948). „Neue Klassifikation der Vaginalbiocoenose auf sechs Grundbilder”. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 126 (2), 77–99. o. DOI:10.1159/000312475. ISSN 1423-002X. 
  • Goisis M (1984. 1). „Modification of the vaginal ecology by Gynatren/SolcoTrichovac”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 24 (Suppl 3), 70–80. o. DOI:10.1159/000269929. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6537386. 
  • Karkut G (1984. 1). „Effect of lactobacillus immunotherapy (Gynatren/SolcoTrichovac) on vaginal microflora when used for the prophylaxis and treatment of vaginitis”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 24 (Suppl 3), 17–24. o. DOI:10.1159/000269921. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6537382. 
  • Harris JRW (1984. 1). „Gynatren/SolcoTrichovac in the treatment of non-specific vaginitides”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 24 (Suppl 3), 50–57. o. DOI:10.1159/000269926. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6336151. 
  • Litschgi M (1984. 1). „Treatment of non-specific colpitis with Gynatren/SolcoTrichovac”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 24 (Suppl 3), 58–62. o. DOI:10.1159/000269927. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6336152. 
  • Verling WH (1984. 1). „Treatment of chronic colpo-vaginitis by stimulation of the immune system”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 24 (Suppl 3), 81–90. o. DOI:10.1159/000269930. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6537387. 
  • Siboulet A (1991. 1). „Impfung gegen nichtspezifische bakterielle Vaginose. Doppelblinduntersuchung von Gynatren”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 31 (3), 153–160. o. DOI:10.1159/000271648. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 1761240. 
  • Pattman RS, Sankar KN, Watson PG, Wardropper AG (1994. 7). „An audit of Gynatren (a Lactobacillus acidophilus lyophilisate) vaccination in women with recurrent bacterial vaginosis”. International Journal of STD & AIDS 5 (4), 299. o. DOI:10.1177/095646249400500416. ISSN 1758-1052. PMID 7948165. 
  • Litschgi M (1983. 1). „SolcoTrichovac in the prophylaxis of trichomonad reinfection. A randomized double-blind study”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 23 (Suppl 2), 72–76. o. DOI:10.1159/000269602. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6354888. 
  • Lorenz U, Rüttgers H (1983. 1). „Clinical experience using SolcoTrichovac in the treatment of trichomonas infections in women”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 23 (Suppl 2), 64–71. o. DOI:10.1159/000269600. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6629137. 
  • Rippmann ET (1983. 1). „SolcoTrichovac in medical practice. An open, multicentre study to investigate the antitrichomonal vaccine SolcoTrichovac”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 23 (Suppl 2), 77–84. o. DOI:10.1159/000269603. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6629138. 
  • Elokda HH, Andrial M (1983. 1). „The therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy of SolcoTrichovac in women with trichomoniasis. Investigations in Cairo”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 23 (Suppl 2), 85–88. o. DOI:10.1159/000269604. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6629139. 
  • Bonilla-Musoles F (1984. 1). „Immunotherapy in vaginal trichomoniasis--therapeutic and prophylactic effects of the vaccine SolcoTrichovac”. Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 24 (Suppl 3), 63–69. o. DOI:10.1159/000269928. ISSN 0017-6001. PMID 6399489. 
  • Pattman RS, Sprott MS, Kearns AM (1989. 10). „Trichomonal vaginitis refractory to conventional treatment”. Genitourinary Medicine 65 (5), 349. o. DOI:10.1136/sti.65.5.349-a. ISSN 0266-4348. PMID 2511138. 
  • Reid G, Burton J (2002. 3). „Use of Lactobacillus to prevent infection by pathogenic bacteria”. Microbes and Infection 4 (3), 319–324. o. DOI:10.1016/S1286-4579(02)01544-7. ISSN 1769-714X. PMID 11909742. 
  • Wölber L, Prieske K, Mendling W, Schmalfeldt B, Tietz HJ, Jaeger A (2020. február 21.). „Pruritus vulvae – Ursachen, Diagnostik und Therapie”. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 117 (8), 126–133. o. DOI:10.3238/arztebl.2020.0126. ISSN 0012-1207. PMID 32181734. „(1) Bei rezidivierenden Kolpitiden und vulvovaginaler Candidose (VVC) wird in Deutschland zum Teil eine Immunisierung mit inaktivierten Laktobazillen verschiedener Stämme angeboten. (2) Hauptindikation ist die bakterielle Vaginose. Hier konnte in den vorliegenden Studien eine deutliche Senkung der Rezidivrate um bis zu 80% gezeigt werden. Im Rahmen einer Kreuzprotektion wird auch ein Vorteil bei der VVC erwartet. Aufgrund der Datenlage zum Einsatz bei VVC ist der Nutzen der Immunisierung bei diesem Krankheitsbild aber unklar. Sie kann daher nur ergänzend zu antimykotischen Therapieformen erfolgen.” 
  • Gaudoin M, Rekha P, Morris A, Lynch J, Acharya U (1999. 10). „Bacterial vaginosis and past chlamydial infection are strongly and independently associated with tubal infertility but do not affect in vitro fertilization success rates”. Fertility and Sterility 72 (4), 730-732. o. DOI:10.1016/s0015-0282(99)00310-6. ISSN 1556-5653. PMID 10521119. 
  • Goldenberg RL, Hauth JC, Andrews WW (2000. 5). „Intrauterine infection and preterm delivery”. The New England Journal of Medicine 342 (20), 1500-1507. o. DOI:10.1056/nejm200005183422007. ISSN 1533-4406. PMID 10816189. 
  • Spurbeck RR, Arvidson CG (2011. 5). „Lactobacilli at the front line of defense against vaginally acquired infections”. Future Microbiology 6 (5), 567-582. o. DOI:10.2217/fmb.11.36. ISSN 1746-0921. PMID 21585263. 
  • Gravett MG, Nelson HP, DeRouen T, Critchlow C, Eschenbach DA, Holmes KK (1986. 10). „Independent associations of bacterial vaginosis and Chlamydia trachomatis infection with adverse pregnancy outcome”. JAMA 256 (14), 1899-1903. o. DOI:10.1001/jama.1986.03380140069024. ISSN 1538-3598. PMID 3761496. 
  • Hay PE (2004. 2). „Bacterial vaginosis and miscarriage”. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 17 (1), 41-44. o. DOI:10.1097/00001432-200402000-00008. ISSN 1535-3877. PMID 15090889. 
  • Hillier SL, Nugent RP, Eschenbach DA, Krohn MA, Gibbs RS, Martin DH, Cotch MF, Edelman R, Pastorek JG 2nd, Rao AV (1995. december 28.). „Association between bacterial vaginosis and preterm delivery of a low-birth-weight infant. The Vaginal Infections and Prematurity Study Group”. The New England Journal of Medicine 333 (26), 1737-1742. o. DOI:10.1056/nejm199512283332604. ISSN 1533-4406. PMID 7491137. 
  • Leitich H, Bodner-Adler B, Brunbauer M, Kaider A, Egarter C, Husslein P (2003. 7). „Bacterial vaginosis as a risk factor for preterm delivery: a meta-analysis”. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 189 (1), 139-147. o. DOI:10.1067/mob.2003.339. ISSN 1097-6868. PMID 12861153. 
  • Jacobsson B, Pernevi P, Chidekel L, Jörgen Platz-Christensen J (2002. 11). „Bacterial vaginosis in early pregnancy may predispose for preterm birth and postpartum endometritis”. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 81 (11), 1006-1010. o. DOI:10.1034/j.1600-0412.2002.811103.x. ISSN 1600-0412. PMID 12421167. 
  • McGregor JA, French JI (2000. 5). „Bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy”. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 55 (5 Suppl 1), S1-19. o. DOI:10.1097/00006254-200005001-00001. ISSN 1533-9866. PMID 10804540. 
  • Edlow AG, Srinivas SK, Elovitz MA (2007. 12). „Second-trimester loss and subsequent pregnancy outcomes: What is the real risk?”. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 197 (6), 581.e1-6. o. DOI:10.1016/j.ajog.2007.09.016. ISSN 0002-9378. PMID 18060941. 
  • Gajdács M, Ábrók M, Lázár A, Burián K (2019. 7). „Comparative epidemiology and resistance trends of common urinary pathogens in a tertiary-care hospital: A 10-year surveillance study”. Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) 55 (7). DOI:10.3390/medicina55070356. ISSN 1648-9144. PMID 31324035. 
  • Werner Mendling. Ausgewählte sexuell übertragbare Erkrankungen, Vaginose, Vaginitis und Zervizitis – Mit Bildteil zu Vulvovaginalerkrankungen. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-10739-3_3 (1995). ISBN 978-3-540-58553-4 „Eine interessante, wissenschaftlich aber nicht befriedigend erklärte Alternative zur Metronidazoltherapie ist die Behandlung mit einer Laktobazillusvakzine. Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit sind keine Kontraindikationen.” 
  • Biocca E, Seppilli A (1947. 9). „Human infections caused by lactobacilli”. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 81 (2), 112-115. o. DOI:10.1093/infdis/81.2.112. ISSN 1537-6613. PMID 20266912. 
  • Sims W (1964. 1). „A pathogenic lactobacillus”. The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology 87, 99-105. o. DOI:10.1002/path.1700870114. ISSN 1555-2039. PMID 14106360. 
  • Sharpe ME, Hill LR, Lapage SP (1973. 8). „Pathogenic lactobacilli”. Journal of Medical Microbiology 6 (3), 281-286. o. DOI:10.1099/00222615-6-3-281. ISSN 1473-5644. PMID 4199269. 
  • Rosan B, Hammond BF (1965. 7). „Toxicity of Lactobacillus casei”. Journal of Dental Research 44, 783-787. o. DOI:10.1177/00220345650440042601. ISSN 1544-0591. PMID 14321413. 
  • Påhlson C, Larsson PG (1991. 10). „The ecologically wrong vaginal lactobacilli”. Medical Hypotheses 36 (2), 126-130. o. DOI:10.1016/0306-9877(91)90253-u. ISSN 0306-9877. PMID 1779915. 
  • Platz-Christensen JJ, Påhlson C, Larsson PG (1995. 1). „Long, uniform Lactobacilli (Döderlein's Bacteria): a new risk factor for postoperative infection after first-trimester abortion”. Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology 3 (3), 102-109. o. DOI:10.1155/s106474499500041x. ISSN 1064-7449. PMID 18476030. 
  • Vaneechoutte M (2017. 8). „The human vaginal microbial community”. Research in Microbiology 168 (9–10), 811-825. o. DOI:10.1016/j.resmic.2017.08.001. ISSN 1769-7123. PMID 28851670. 
  • Lamont RF, Sobel JD, Akins RA, Hassan SS, Chaiworapongsa T, Kusanovic JP, Romero R (2011. 1). „The vaginal microbiome: new information about genital tract flora using molecular based techniques”. BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 118 (5), 533–549. o. DOI:10.1111/j.1471-0528.2010.02840.x. ISSN 1471-0528. PMID 21251190. 
  • Vaneechoutte M (2017. 9). „Lactobacillus iners, the unusual suspect”. Research in Microbiology 168 (9–10), 826–836. o. DOI:10.1016/j.resmic.2017.09.003. ISSN 1769-7123. PMID 28951208. 
  • Zheng N, Guo R, Yao Y, Jin M, Cheng Y, Ling Z (2019. 10). „Lactobacillus iners is associated with vaginal dysbiosis in healthy pregnant women: A preliminary study”. Biomed Research International 2019, 6079734. o. DOI:10.1155/2019/6079734. PMID 31781627. 
  • Pramanick R, Mayadeo N, Warke H, Begum S, Aich P, Aranha C (2019. 6). „Vaginal microbiota of asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis and vulvovaginal candidiasis: Are they different from normal microbiota?”. Microbial Pathogenesis 134, 103599. o. DOI:10.1016/j.micpath.2019.103599. ISSN 1096-1208. PMID 31212037. 
  • Yeruva T, Rajkumar H, Donugama V (2017. 10). „Vaginal lactobacilli profile in pregnant women with normal & abnormal vaginal flora”. The Indian Journal of Medical Research 146 (4), 534-540. o. DOI:10.4103/ijmr.ijmr_774_16. ISSN 0971-5916. PMID 29434069. 
  • Tortelli BA, Lewis WG, Allsworth JE, Member-Meneh N, Foster LR, Reno HE, Peipert JF, Fay JC, Lewis AL (2019. 10). „Associations between the vaginal microbiome and Candida colonization in women of reproductive age”. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (5), 471.e1-471.e9. o. DOI:10.1016/j.ajog.2019.10.008. ISSN 1097-6868. PMID 31654610. 
  • Hudson PL, Hung KJ, Bergerat A, Mitchell C (2020. 2). „Effect of vaginal Lactobacillus species on Escherichia coli growth”. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery 26 (2), 146-151. o. DOI:10.1097/spv.0000000000000827. ISSN 2154-4212. PMID 31990804. 
  • Kindinger LM, Bennett PR, Lee YS, Marchesi JR, Smith A, Cacciatore S, Holmes E, Nicholson JK, Teoh TG, MacIntyre DA (2017. 1). „The interaction between vaginal microbiota, cervical length, and vaginal progesterone treatment for preterm birth risk”. Microbiome 5 (1), 6. o. DOI:10.1186/s40168-016-0223-9. ISSN 2049-2618. PMID 28103952. 
  • Kacerovsky M, Pliskova L, Bolehovska R, Gerychova R, Janku P, Matlak P, Simetka O, Faist T, Mls J, Vescicik P, Zemlickova H, Jacobsson B, Musilova I (2019. 12). „Lactobacilli-dominated cervical microbiota in women with preterm prelabor rupture of membranes”. Pediatric Research 87 (5), 952-960. o. DOI:10.1038/s41390-019-0692-1. ISSN 1530-0447. PMID 31791041. 
  • van Houdt R, Ma B, Bruisten SM, Speksnijder AG, Ravel J, de Vries HJC (2017. 9). „Lactobacillus iners-dominated vaginal microbiota is associated with increased susceptibility to Chlamydia trachomatis infection in Dutch women: A case-control study”. Sexually Transmitted Infections 94 (2), 117-123. o. DOI:10.1136/sextrans-2017-053133. ISSN 1472-3263. PMID 28947665. 
  • Wang H, Ma Y, Li R, Chen X, Wan L, Zhao W (2019. 9). „Associations of cervicovaginal lactobacilli with high-risk human papillomavirus infection, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, and cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis”. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 220 (8), 1243-1254. o. DOI:10.1093/infdis/jiz325. ISSN 1537-6613. PMID 31242505. 
  • Hoang T, Toler E, DeLong K, Mafunda NA, Bloom SM, Zierden HC, Moench TR, Coleman JS, Hanes J, Kwon DS, Lai SK, Cone RA, Ensign LM (2020. 1). „The cervicovaginal mucus barrier to HIV-1 is diminished in bacterial vaginosis”. PLoS Pathogens 16 (1), e1008236. o. DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat.1008236. ISSN 1553-7374. PMID 31971984. 
  • Witkin SS, Mendes-Soares H, Linhares IM, Jayaram A, Ledger WJ, Forney LJ (2013. 8). „Influence of vaginal bacteria and D- and L-lactic acid isomers on vaginal extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer: implications for protection against upper genital tract infections”. Mbio 4 (4). DOI:10.1128/mbio.00460-13. ISSN 2161-2129. PMID 23919998. 
  • Srinivasan S, Hoffman NG, Morgan MT, Matsen FA, Fiedler TL, Hall RW, Ross FJ, McCoy CO, Bumgarner R, Marrazzo JM, Fredricks DN (2012. 6). „Bacterial communities in women with bacterial vaginosis: high resolution phylogenetic analyses reveal relationships of microbiota to clinical criteria”. Plos one 7 (6), e37818. o. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0037818. ISSN 1932-6203. PMID 22719852. 
  • Verstraelen H, Verhelst R, Claeys G, De Backer E, Temmerman M, Vaneechoutte M (2009. 6). „Longitudinal analysis of the vaginal microflora in pregnancy suggests that L. crispatus promotes the stability of the normal vaginal microflora and that L. gasseri and/or L. iners are more conducive to the occurrence of abnormal vaginal microflora”. BMC Microbiology 9, 116. o. DOI:10.1186/1471-2180-9-116. ISSN 1471-2180. PMID 19490622. 
  • Macklaim JM, Fernandes AD, Di Bella JM, Hammond JA, Reid G, Gloor GB (2013. 4). „Comparative meta-RNA-seq of the vaginal microbiota and differential expression by Lactobacillus iners in health and dysbiosis”. Microbiome 1 (1), 12. o. DOI:10.1186/2049-2618-1-12. ISSN 2049-2618. PMID 24450540. 
  • Petrova MI, Reid G, Vaneechoutte M, Lebeer S (2016. 12). „Lactobacillus iners: Friend or foe?”. Trends in Microbiology 25 (3), 182-191. o. DOI:10.1016/j.tim.2016.11.007. ISSN 1878-4380. PMID 27914761. 
  • De Backer E, Verhelst R, Verstraelen H, Alqumber MA, Burton JP, Tagg JR, Temmerman M, Vaneechoutte M (2007. 12). „Quantitative determination by real-time PCR of four vaginal Lactobacillus species, Gardnerella vaginalis and Atopobium vaginae indicates an inverse relationship between L. gasseri and L. iners”. BMC Microbiology 7, 115. o. DOI:10.1186/1471-2180-7-115. ISSN 1471-2180. PMID 18093311. 
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  • Městecký J, Russell MW (2000. 4). „Induction of mucosal immune responses in the human genital tract”. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 27 (4), 351-355. o. DOI:10.1111/j.1574-695x.2000.tb01449.x. ISSN 0928-8244. PMID 10727891. „(1) The uterine endocervix contains higher numbers of Ig-secreting cells than the ectocervix, fallopian tubes, and vagina. IgA- and IgG-secreting cells are dominant, and almost all IgA-producing cells contain J chain, a marker of synthesis of pIgA. Furthermore, the single-layered epithelial cells of fallopian tubes, uterus, endocervix, and ectocervical glands express SC which is essential for the selective transport of locally produced pIgA. (2) Although the subepithelial connective tissue of the human vagina contains dispersed IgA- and J chain-positive plasma cells, the multilayered epithelial cells do not stain for SC. Nevertheless, both IgA- and IgG-positive epithelial cells are frequently found on the luminal surface and dispersed among the multilayered epithelium. (3) In human cervical mucus, there are higher levels of IgG than of IgA; this contrasts with other typical external secretions, such as saliva, tears, milk, and intestinal fuids, in which S-IgA is the dominant isotype. (4) Ig produced locally and transported from blood by uterine tissues provide humoral immunity in the vaginal canal; hysterectomy greatly reduces Ig levels in the vagina. (5) Because antibodies of the IgG isotype are dominant in both male and female genital tract secretions and are largely of plasma origin, the effectiveness of the systemic route of immunization has been evaluated in several studies.” 
  • William H. Kutteh, Jiří Městecký, Charles R. Wira.szerk.: Jiří Městecký, Michael E. Lamm, Jerry R. McGhee, John Bienenstock, Lloyd Mayer, Warren Strober: Mucosal immunity in the human female reproductive tract, Mucosal immunology, 3. kiadás, Academic Press. DOI: 10.1016/B978-012491543-5/50099-1 (2005). ISBN 978-0-12-491543-5 „(1) In the human, lymphocytes and plasma cells are distributed throughout the reproductive tract with low numbers present in the uterus and vagina. The endocervix and ectocervix have the highest accumulation of Ig-producing cells. (2) IgA produced by cells from the cervix is released predominantly in the polymeric form, having two or more monomers plus J chain linked by disulfide bonds. In addition to immunofluorescence, the IgG-, IgA-, or IgM-secreting cells were enumerated in the cervix by ELISPOT. (3) Unique to the genital tract and unlike other mucosal secretions in which S-IgA is the dominant isotype, IgG levels in the lower genital tract secretions equal or exceed the levels of S-IgA. (4) The finding that specific activity of IgG antibodies in the female genital tract secretions often reflects that of plasma suggests that IgG originates from the circulation. (5) Systemic immunization is of unique relevance to the induction of humoral immunity in the female genital tract. Although the antibody isotype dominantly induced is IgG and not S-IgA, the significant contribution of IgG from the circulation to the pool of antibodies in the genital tract secretions clearly indicates that parenteral immunization may be of considerable value. (6) Multifunctional cytokines such as IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-10 that are produced throughout the reproductive tract have important roles in the maturation of B lymphocytes to Ig-producing plasma cells. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the presence of estrogen increases the expression of polymeric Ig receptor (pIgR), thereby increasing the transport of IgA into the lumen, when cultured human endometrial cells are incubated with IL-4 and IFN-γ.” 
  • Bouvet JP, Bélec L, Pirès R, Pillot J (1994. 9). „Immunoglobulin G antibodies in human vaginal secretions after parenteral vaccination”. Infection and Immunity 62 (9), 3957-3961. o. DOI:10.1128/iai.62.9.3957-3961.1994. ISSN 0019-9567. PMID 8063413. „(1) In vaginal secretions, the additional presence of significant levels of IgG has been reported. This IgG might originate from local plasma cells and/or transude from the circulation, as suggested by the low number of these cells in the mucosa. This release of serum antibodies in vaginal secretions might be of interest for vaccinations against AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. (2) The Ig transudation might be through the endometrium and cervix, since the squamous epithelium of the vagina seems unfavorable for diffusion.” 
  • Brandtzaeg P (1997. 11). „Mucosal immunity in the female genital tract”. Journal of Reproductive Immunology 36 (1-2), 23-50. o. DOI:10.1016/s0165-0378(97)00061-2. ISSN 0165-0378. PMID 9430737. „Paracellular diffusion of serum-derived and locally produced IgG through epithelia is an important part of humoral immunity in the female genital tract.” 
  • Crowley-Nowick PA, Bell MC, Brockwell R, Edwards RP, Chen S, Partridge EE, Mestecky J (1997. 9). „Rectal immunization for induction of specific antibody in the genital tract of women”. Journal of Clinical Immunology 17 (5), 370-379. o. DOI:10.1023/a:1027312223474. ISSN 0271-9142. PMID 9327336. „Historically IgG in the genital tract has been considered to be derived from serum transudate and not produced locally.” 
  • Li Z, Palaniyandi S, Zeng R, Tuo W, Roopenian DC, Zhu X (2011. 2). „Transfer of IgG in the female genital tract by MHC class I-related neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) confers protective immunity to vaginal infection”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 (11), 4388-4393. o. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1012861108. ISSN 0027-8424. PMID 21368166. „Historically, the source of IgG in the genital tract has been attributed to simple passive paracellular diffusion from the circulation or local production by epithelium-associated plasma cells. This view has been challenged by increasing evidence that IgG levels in genital mucosal secretions can be affected dramatically by genital infections, the estrous cycle, and immunization. Collectively, these observations raise the possibility of an active transport system through which IgG crosses the genital epithelium.” 
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  • Kim MS, Jung SI (2021. 1). „The urinary tract microbiome in male genitourinary diseases: Focusing on benign prostate hyperplasia and lower urinary tract symptoms”. International Neurourology Journal 25 (1), 3-11. o. DOI:10.5213/inj.2040174.087. ISSN 2093-4777. PMID 33504133. „(1) The urinary tract, once believed to be sterile, has now been shown to harbor bacteria. Since then, new approaches to studying the disorders of the urinary tract have emerged. (2) Prostatic disease should continue to be reevaluated and diseases (BPH/LUTS, CP/CPPS) previously thought to be unrelated to microbes should be thoroughly investigated. Perhaps with more study, we can develop the means to handle the urinary microbiome to improve patient outcomes.” 
  • Ivanov IB, Kuzmin MD, Gritsenko VA (2008. 3). „Microflora of the seminal fluid of healthy men and men suffering from chronic prostatitis syndrome”. International Journal of Andrology 32 (5), 462-467. o. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2605.2008.00878.x. ISSN 0105-6263. PMID 18328042. „The most common isolates in both groups were coryneforms, lactobacilli, coagulase-negative staphylococci, micrococci and streptococci. Enterobacteriaceae, enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus were isolated only from the CPS group.” 
  • Mändar R, Punab M, Korrovits P, Türk S, Ausmees K, Lapp E, Preem JK, Oopkaup K, Salumets A, Truu J (2017. 2). „Seminal microbiome in men with and without prostatitis”. International Journal of Urology : Official Journal of the Japanese Urological Association 24 (3), 211-216. o. DOI:10.1111/iju.13286. ISSN 0919-8172. PMID 28147438. „The most abundant phylum in semen was Firmicutes, comprising nearly half of the sequences found, followed by Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria. The counts of lactobacilli were higher in healthy men than prostatitis patients (27% vs 20.2%), especially for Lactobacillus iners. Proteobacteria comprised higher proportions in prostatitis patients than healthy men. The species richness was higher in prostatitis patients than healthy men.” 
  • Magnanelli S, Wilks M, Boake T, Tabaqchali S, Wass JAH (1990). „Quantitative bacteriology of the seminal fluid in health and disease”. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 3 (3), 129-137. o. DOI:10.3109/08910609009140127. ISSN 1651-2235. „These results suggest that the greater part of the infection is due to bacteria usually considered normal constituents of the urethral tract and hence often disregarded and discarded as ‘contaminants’ in the routine laboratory. The remaining cases were due to Gram-negative organisms, particularly Gardnerella vaginalis and Bacteroides.” 
  • Onderdonk AB, Delaney ML, Fichorova RN (2016. 4). „The human microbiome during bacterial vaginosis”. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 29 (2), 223-238. o. DOI:10.1128/cmr.00075-15. ISSN 0893-8512. PMID 26864580. „The list of possible agents continues to expand and includes members of a number of genera, including Gardnerella, Atopobium, Prevotella, Peptostreptococcus, Mobiluncus, Sneathia, Leptotrichia, Mycoplasma, and BV-associated bacterium 1 (BVAB1) to BVAB3.” 
  • Donders GGG, Bellen G, Rezeberga D (2011. 6). „Aerobic vaginitis in pregnancy”. BJOG : an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 118 (10), 1163-1170. o. DOI:10.1111/j.1471-0528.2011.03020.x. ISSN 0306-5456. PMID 21668769. „Although the abnormal flora in BV is anaerobic overgrowth (Gardnerella vaginalis, Mobilunucus sp., Bacteroides sp., Prevotella sp., Peptostreptococcus sp., etc.), in AV only aerobic enteric commensals, such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, group B streptococcus (GBS), and enterococci, are recovered.” 
  • Mändar R, Punab M, Borovkova N, Lapp E, Kiiker R, Korrovits P, Metspalu A, Krjutškov K, Nõlvak H, Preem JK, Oopkaup K, Salumets A, Truu J (2015. 4). „Complementary seminovaginal microbiome in couples”. Research in Microbiology 166 (5), 440-447. o. DOI:10.1016/j.resmic.2015.03.009. ISSN 0923-2508. PMID 25869222. „(1) Bacterial diversity in vaginal and semen samples was characterized by sequencing the V6 region of 16S rRNA genes. Seminal and vaginal bacterial communities had a high number of shared phylotypes (85% of all detected phylotypes). (2) Gardnerella vaginalis was predominant in half of the women whose partners had significant leukocytospermia, but only in one of 17 women who had a partner without leukocytospermia. Our data support the hypothesis that semen and vaginal microbiomes are in association, inasmuch as the predominance of G. vaginalis in female partners was significantly related to inflammation in male genital tracts.” 
  • Wittemer C, Bettahar-Lebugle K, Ohl J, Rongières C, Viville S, Nisand I (2004. 2). „Colonisation bactérienne vaginale anormale et implantation en assistance médicale à la procréation [Abnormal bacterial colonisation of the vagina and implantation during assisted reproduction]”. Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité 32 (2), 135-139. o. DOI:10.1016/j.gyobfe.2003.11.017. ISSN 1297-9589. PMID 15123136. „Positive cultures from both vagina and semen were observed for 77 couples whose clinical pregnancy rate was 19.5 vs 36.2% in case of vaginal infection alone (P <0.01) with a spontaneous miscarriage rate of 46.7 compared to 17.6% (P <0.01).” 
  • Kjaergaard N, Hansen D, Hansen ES, Schoenheyder HC, Uldbjerg N, Madsen H (1997. 7). „Pyospermia and preterm, prelabor, rupture of membranes”. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 76 (6), 528-531. o. DOI:10.3109/00016349709024577. ISSN 0001-6349. PMID 9246956. „(1) We found a statistically significant association between PPROM and pyospermia. (2) We suggest that the genital microflora of the man is associated with PPROM.” 
  • Slack E, Balmer ML, Fritz JH, Hapfelmeier S (2012. 5). „Functional flexibility of intestinal IgA - broadening the fine line”. Frontiers in Immunology 3, 100. o. DOI:10.3389/fimmu.2012.00100. ISSN 1664-3224. PMID 22563329. „(1) it was shown that most intestinal bacterial cells are IgA-coated in situ (2) In conclusion, the immune set-points and anatomy of the mucosal barrier together with IgA may function primarily in robustly “protecting commensals from themselves”, to avoid unnecessary inflammatory reactions where the collateral damage would always outweigh the benefits and likely lead to a chronic state of exaggerated inflammation as in inflammatory bowel diseases. IgA is therefore a typical example of a mucosal immune specialization with the potential to actively exclude bacteria from host tissues without any concomitant induction of acute inflammation, thus broadening the window of immune system and physical barrier function compatible with stable host-microbiota homeostasis.” 
  • Donaldson GP, Ladinsky MS, Yu KB, Sanders JG, Yoo BB, Chou WC, Conner ME, Earl AM, Knight R, Bjorkman PJ, Mazmanian SK (2018. 5). „Gut microbiota utilize immunoglobulin A for mucosal colonization”. Science 360 (6390), 795–800. o. DOI:10.1126/science.aaq0926. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 29724905. „Early studies of IgA in the healthy gut found that the majority of live bacterial cells in feces are bound by IgA, reflecting a steady-state IgA response to persistent indigenous microbes.” 
  • Corthésy B (2007. január 13.). „Roundtrip ticket for secretory IgA: role in mucosal homeostasis?”. Journal of Immunology 178 (1), 27–32. o. DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.178.1.27. ISSN 0022-1767. PMID 17182536. „Specific targeting of SIgA-based immune complexes to DC more prone to presentation than killing (as opposed to macrophages) induces low degrees of activation in a noninflammatory context favorable to preserve local homeostasis of the gastrointestinal tract.” 
  • Tooli LF, Shirzad M, Modarressi MH, Mirtavoos-Mahyari H, Amoozegar MA, Hantoushzadeh S, Motevaseli E (2019. 10). „Identification of common vaginal Lactobacilli immunoreactive proteins by immunoproteomic techniques”. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 35 (10), 161. o. DOI:10.1007/s11274-019-2736-4. ISSN 0959-3993. PMID 31608422. „much higher antibody levels against vaginal Lactobacilli were detected in pre-menopausal women with no history of urinary tract and vaginal infections compared to women with a history of these infections” 
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  • Městecký J, Russell MW (2000. 4). „Induction of mucosal immune responses in the human genital tract”. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 27 (4), 351-355. o. DOI:10.1111/j.1574-695x.2000.tb01449.x. ISSN 0928-8244. PMID 10727891. „(1) The uterine endocervix contains higher numbers of Ig-secreting cells than the ectocervix, fallopian tubes, and vagina. IgA- and IgG-secreting cells are dominant, and almost all IgA-producing cells contain J chain, a marker of synthesis of pIgA. Furthermore, the single-layered epithelial cells of fallopian tubes, uterus, endocervix, and ectocervical glands express SC which is essential for the selective transport of locally produced pIgA. (2) Although the subepithelial connective tissue of the human vagina contains dispersed IgA- and J chain-positive plasma cells, the multilayered epithelial cells do not stain for SC. Nevertheless, both IgA- and IgG-positive epithelial cells are frequently found on the luminal surface and dispersed among the multilayered epithelium. (3) In human cervical mucus, there are higher levels of IgG than of IgA; this contrasts with other typical external secretions, such as saliva, tears, milk, and intestinal fuids, in which S-IgA is the dominant isotype. (4) Ig produced locally and transported from blood by uterine tissues provide humoral immunity in the vaginal canal; hysterectomy greatly reduces Ig levels in the vagina. (5) Because antibodies of the IgG isotype are dominant in both male and female genital tract secretions and are largely of plasma origin, the effectiveness of the systemic route of immunization has been evaluated in several studies.” 
  • Bouvet JP, Bélec L, Pirès R, Pillot J (1994. 9). „Immunoglobulin G antibodies in human vaginal secretions after parenteral vaccination”. Infection and Immunity 62 (9), 3957-3961. o. DOI:10.1128/iai.62.9.3957-3961.1994. ISSN 0019-9567. PMID 8063413. „(1) In vaginal secretions, the additional presence of significant levels of IgG has been reported. This IgG might originate from local plasma cells and/or transude from the circulation, as suggested by the low number of these cells in the mucosa. This release of serum antibodies in vaginal secretions might be of interest for vaccinations against AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. (2) The Ig transudation might be through the endometrium and cervix, since the squamous epithelium of the vagina seems unfavorable for diffusion.” 
  • Brandtzaeg P (1997. 11). „Mucosal immunity in the female genital tract”. Journal of Reproductive Immunology 36 (1-2), 23-50. o. DOI:10.1016/s0165-0378(97)00061-2. ISSN 0165-0378. PMID 9430737. „Paracellular diffusion of serum-derived and locally produced IgG through epithelia is an important part of humoral immunity in the female genital tract.” 
  • Crowley-Nowick PA, Bell MC, Brockwell R, Edwards RP, Chen S, Partridge EE, Mestecky J (1997. 9). „Rectal immunization for induction of specific antibody in the genital tract of women”. Journal of Clinical Immunology 17 (5), 370-379. o. DOI:10.1023/a:1027312223474. ISSN 0271-9142. PMID 9327336. „Historically IgG in the genital tract has been considered to be derived from serum transudate and not produced locally.” 
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  • Kim MS, Jung SI (2021. 1). „The urinary tract microbiome in male genitourinary diseases: Focusing on benign prostate hyperplasia and lower urinary tract symptoms”. International Neurourology Journal 25 (1), 3-11. o. DOI:10.5213/inj.2040174.087. ISSN 2093-4777. PMID 33504133. „(1) The urinary tract, once believed to be sterile, has now been shown to harbor bacteria. Since then, new approaches to studying the disorders of the urinary tract have emerged. (2) Prostatic disease should continue to be reevaluated and diseases (BPH/LUTS, CP/CPPS) previously thought to be unrelated to microbes should be thoroughly investigated. Perhaps with more study, we can develop the means to handle the urinary microbiome to improve patient outcomes.” 
  • Ivanov IB, Kuzmin MD, Gritsenko VA (2008. 3). „Microflora of the seminal fluid of healthy men and men suffering from chronic prostatitis syndrome”. International Journal of Andrology 32 (5), 462-467. o. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2605.2008.00878.x. ISSN 0105-6263. PMID 18328042. „The most common isolates in both groups were coryneforms, lactobacilli, coagulase-negative staphylococci, micrococci and streptococci. Enterobacteriaceae, enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus were isolated only from the CPS group.” 
  • Mändar R, Punab M, Korrovits P, Türk S, Ausmees K, Lapp E, Preem JK, Oopkaup K, Salumets A, Truu J (2017. 2). „Seminal microbiome in men with and without prostatitis”. International Journal of Urology : Official Journal of the Japanese Urological Association 24 (3), 211-216. o. DOI:10.1111/iju.13286. ISSN 0919-8172. PMID 28147438. „The most abundant phylum in semen was Firmicutes, comprising nearly half of the sequences found, followed by Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria. The counts of lactobacilli were higher in healthy men than prostatitis patients (27% vs 20.2%), especially for Lactobacillus iners. Proteobacteria comprised higher proportions in prostatitis patients than healthy men. The species richness was higher in prostatitis patients than healthy men.” 
  • Onderdonk AB, Delaney ML, Fichorova RN (2016. 4). „The human microbiome during bacterial vaginosis”. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 29 (2), 223-238. o. DOI:10.1128/cmr.00075-15. ISSN 0893-8512. PMID 26864580. „The list of possible agents continues to expand and includes members of a number of genera, including Gardnerella, Atopobium, Prevotella, Peptostreptococcus, Mobiluncus, Sneathia, Leptotrichia, Mycoplasma, and BV-associated bacterium 1 (BVAB1) to BVAB3.” 
  • Donders GGG, Bellen G, Rezeberga D (2011. 6). „Aerobic vaginitis in pregnancy”. BJOG : an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 118 (10), 1163-1170. o. DOI:10.1111/j.1471-0528.2011.03020.x. ISSN 0306-5456. PMID 21668769. „Although the abnormal flora in BV is anaerobic overgrowth (Gardnerella vaginalis, Mobilunucus sp., Bacteroides sp., Prevotella sp., Peptostreptococcus sp., etc.), in AV only aerobic enteric commensals, such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, group B streptococcus (GBS), and enterococci, are recovered.” 
  • Mändar R, Punab M, Borovkova N, Lapp E, Kiiker R, Korrovits P, Metspalu A, Krjutškov K, Nõlvak H, Preem JK, Oopkaup K, Salumets A, Truu J (2015. 4). „Complementary seminovaginal microbiome in couples”. Research in Microbiology 166 (5), 440-447. o. DOI:10.1016/j.resmic.2015.03.009. ISSN 0923-2508. PMID 25869222. „(1) Bacterial diversity in vaginal and semen samples was characterized by sequencing the V6 region of 16S rRNA genes. Seminal and vaginal bacterial communities had a high number of shared phylotypes (85% of all detected phylotypes). (2) Gardnerella vaginalis was predominant in half of the women whose partners had significant leukocytospermia, but only in one of 17 women who had a partner without leukocytospermia. Our data support the hypothesis that semen and vaginal microbiomes are in association, inasmuch as the predominance of G. vaginalis in female partners was significantly related to inflammation in male genital tracts.” 
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  • Donaldson GP, Ladinsky MS, Yu KB, Sanders JG, Yoo BB, Chou WC, Conner ME, Earl AM, Knight R, Bjorkman PJ, Mazmanian SK (2018. 5). „Gut microbiota utilize immunoglobulin A for mucosal colonization”. Science 360 (6390), 795–800. o. DOI:10.1126/science.aaq0926. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 29724905. „Early studies of IgA in the healthy gut found that the majority of live bacterial cells in feces are bound by IgA, reflecting a steady-state IgA response to persistent indigenous microbes.” 
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  • Tooli LF, Shirzad M, Modarressi MH, Mirtavoos-Mahyari H, Amoozegar MA, Hantoushzadeh S, Motevaseli E (2019. 10). „Identification of common vaginal Lactobacilli immunoreactive proteins by immunoproteomic techniques”. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 35 (10), 161. o. DOI:10.1007/s11274-019-2736-4. ISSN 0959-3993. PMID 31608422. „much higher antibody levels against vaginal Lactobacilli were detected in pre-menopausal women with no history of urinary tract and vaginal infections compared to women with a history of these infections” 
  • Alvarez-Olmos MI, Barousse MM, Rajan L, Van Der Pol BJ, Fortenberry D, Orr D, Fidel PL Jr (2004. 7). „Vaginal lactobacilli in adolescents: presence and relationship to local and systemic immunity, and to bacterial vaginosis”. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 31 (7), 393–400. o. DOI:10.1097/01.OLQ.0000130454.83883.E9. ISSN 0148-5717. PMID 15215693. „(1) Several studies have demonstrated an inverse relationship between the presence of H2O2-producing lactobacilli and BV for both pregnant and nonpregnant adult women. We demonstrated a similar relationship, suggesting a protective effect of H2O2-producing lactobacilli in adolescents. (2) Although a similar pattern of (cervicovaginal) IgG and IgA antibodies were observed in those with or without lactobacilli, significant reductions in both IgG and IgA antibody concentrations were observed in those with H2O2-nonproducing isolates.” 
  • Lewis WG, Robinson LS, Perry J, Bick JL, Peipert JF, Allsworth JE, Lewis AL (2011. 12). „Hydrolysis of secreted sialoglycoprotein immunoglobulin A (IgA) in ex vivo and biochemical models of bacterial vaginosis”. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (3), 2079–2089. o. DOI:10.1074/jbc.m111.278135. ISSN 0021-9258. PMID 22134918. 
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  • Městecký J, Russell MW (2000. 4). „Induction of mucosal immune responses in the human genital tract”. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 27 (4), 351-355. o. DOI:10.1111/j.1574-695x.2000.tb01449.x. ISSN 0928-8244. PMID 10727891. „(1) The uterine endocervix contains higher numbers of Ig-secreting cells than the ectocervix, fallopian tubes, and vagina. IgA- and IgG-secreting cells are dominant, and almost all IgA-producing cells contain J chain, a marker of synthesis of pIgA. Furthermore, the single-layered epithelial cells of fallopian tubes, uterus, endocervix, and ectocervical glands express SC which is essential for the selective transport of locally produced pIgA. (2) Although the subepithelial connective tissue of the human vagina contains dispersed IgA- and J chain-positive plasma cells, the multilayered epithelial cells do not stain for SC. Nevertheless, both IgA- and IgG-positive epithelial cells are frequently found on the luminal surface and dispersed among the multilayered epithelium. (3) In human cervical mucus, there are higher levels of IgG than of IgA; this contrasts with other typical external secretions, such as saliva, tears, milk, and intestinal fuids, in which S-IgA is the dominant isotype. (4) Ig produced locally and transported from blood by uterine tissues provide humoral immunity in the vaginal canal; hysterectomy greatly reduces Ig levels in the vagina. (5) Because antibodies of the IgG isotype are dominant in both male and female genital tract secretions and are largely of plasma origin, the effectiveness of the systemic route of immunization has been evaluated in several studies.” 
  • Bouvet JP, Bélec L, Pirès R, Pillot J (1994. 9). „Immunoglobulin G antibodies in human vaginal secretions after parenteral vaccination”. Infection and Immunity 62 (9), 3957-3961. o. DOI:10.1128/iai.62.9.3957-3961.1994. ISSN 0019-9567. PMID 8063413. „(1) In vaginal secretions, the additional presence of significant levels of IgG has been reported. This IgG might originate from local plasma cells and/or transude from the circulation, as suggested by the low number of these cells in the mucosa. This release of serum antibodies in vaginal secretions might be of interest for vaccinations against AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. (2) The Ig transudation might be through the endometrium and cervix, since the squamous epithelium of the vagina seems unfavorable for diffusion.” 
  • Brandtzaeg P (1997. 11). „Mucosal immunity in the female genital tract”. Journal of Reproductive Immunology 36 (1-2), 23-50. o. DOI:10.1016/s0165-0378(97)00061-2. ISSN 0165-0378. PMID 9430737. „Paracellular diffusion of serum-derived and locally produced IgG through epithelia is an important part of humoral immunity in the female genital tract.” 
  • Crowley-Nowick PA, Bell MC, Brockwell R, Edwards RP, Chen S, Partridge EE, Mestecky J (1997. 9). „Rectal immunization for induction of specific antibody in the genital tract of women”. Journal of Clinical Immunology 17 (5), 370-379. o. DOI:10.1023/a:1027312223474. ISSN 0271-9142. PMID 9327336. „Historically IgG in the genital tract has been considered to be derived from serum transudate and not produced locally.” 
  • Li Z, Palaniyandi S, Zeng R, Tuo W, Roopenian DC, Zhu X (2011. 2). „Transfer of IgG in the female genital tract by MHC class I-related neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) confers protective immunity to vaginal infection”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 (11), 4388-4393. o. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1012861108. ISSN 0027-8424. PMID 21368166. „Historically, the source of IgG in the genital tract has been attributed to simple passive paracellular diffusion from the circulation or local production by epithelium-associated plasma cells. This view has been challenged by increasing evidence that IgG levels in genital mucosal secretions can be affected dramatically by genital infections, the estrous cycle, and immunization. Collectively, these observations raise the possibility of an active transport system through which IgG crosses the genital epithelium.” 
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  • Ivanov IB, Kuzmin MD, Gritsenko VA (2008. 3). „Microflora of the seminal fluid of healthy men and men suffering from chronic prostatitis syndrome”. International Journal of Andrology 32 (5), 462-467. o. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2605.2008.00878.x. ISSN 0105-6263. PMID 18328042. „The most common isolates in both groups were coryneforms, lactobacilli, coagulase-negative staphylococci, micrococci and streptococci. Enterobacteriaceae, enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus were isolated only from the CPS group.” 
  • Mändar R, Punab M, Korrovits P, Türk S, Ausmees K, Lapp E, Preem JK, Oopkaup K, Salumets A, Truu J (2017. 2). „Seminal microbiome in men with and without prostatitis”. International Journal of Urology : Official Journal of the Japanese Urological Association 24 (3), 211-216. o. DOI:10.1111/iju.13286. ISSN 0919-8172. PMID 28147438. „The most abundant phylum in semen was Firmicutes, comprising nearly half of the sequences found, followed by Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria. The counts of lactobacilli were higher in healthy men than prostatitis patients (27% vs 20.2%), especially for Lactobacillus iners. Proteobacteria comprised higher proportions in prostatitis patients than healthy men. The species richness was higher in prostatitis patients than healthy men.” 
  • Magnanelli S, Wilks M, Boake T, Tabaqchali S, Wass JAH (1990). „Quantitative bacteriology of the seminal fluid in health and disease”. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 3 (3), 129-137. o. DOI:10.3109/08910609009140127. ISSN 1651-2235. „These results suggest that the greater part of the infection is due to bacteria usually considered normal constituents of the urethral tract and hence often disregarded and discarded as ‘contaminants’ in the routine laboratory. The remaining cases were due to Gram-negative organisms, particularly Gardnerella vaginalis and Bacteroides.” 
  • Onderdonk AB, Delaney ML, Fichorova RN (2016. 4). „The human microbiome during bacterial vaginosis”. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 29 (2), 223-238. o. DOI:10.1128/cmr.00075-15. ISSN 0893-8512. PMID 26864580. „The list of possible agents continues to expand and includes members of a number of genera, including Gardnerella, Atopobium, Prevotella, Peptostreptococcus, Mobiluncus, Sneathia, Leptotrichia, Mycoplasma, and BV-associated bacterium 1 (BVAB1) to BVAB3.” 
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  • Mändar R, Punab M, Borovkova N, Lapp E, Kiiker R, Korrovits P, Metspalu A, Krjutškov K, Nõlvak H, Preem JK, Oopkaup K, Salumets A, Truu J (2015. 4). „Complementary seminovaginal microbiome in couples”. Research in Microbiology 166 (5), 440-447. o. DOI:10.1016/j.resmic.2015.03.009. ISSN 0923-2508. PMID 25869222. „(1) Bacterial diversity in vaginal and semen samples was characterized by sequencing the V6 region of 16S rRNA genes. Seminal and vaginal bacterial communities had a high number of shared phylotypes (85% of all detected phylotypes). (2) Gardnerella vaginalis was predominant in half of the women whose partners had significant leukocytospermia, but only in one of 17 women who had a partner without leukocytospermia. Our data support the hypothesis that semen and vaginal microbiomes are in association, inasmuch as the predominance of G. vaginalis in female partners was significantly related to inflammation in male genital tracts.” 
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  • Donaldson GP, Ladinsky MS, Yu KB, Sanders JG, Yoo BB, Chou WC, Conner ME, Earl AM, Knight R, Bjorkman PJ, Mazmanian SK (2018. 5). „Gut microbiota utilize immunoglobulin A for mucosal colonization”. Science 360 (6390), 795–800. o. DOI:10.1126/science.aaq0926. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 29724905. „Early studies of IgA in the healthy gut found that the majority of live bacterial cells in feces are bound by IgA, reflecting a steady-state IgA response to persistent indigenous microbes.” 
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  • Tooli LF, Shirzad M, Modarressi MH, Mirtavoos-Mahyari H, Amoozegar MA, Hantoushzadeh S, Motevaseli E (2019. 10). „Identification of common vaginal Lactobacilli immunoreactive proteins by immunoproteomic techniques”. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 35 (10), 161. o. DOI:10.1007/s11274-019-2736-4. ISSN 0959-3993. PMID 31608422. „much higher antibody levels against vaginal Lactobacilli were detected in pre-menopausal women with no history of urinary tract and vaginal infections compared to women with a history of these infections” 
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  • Szerkesztő-riporter: B. Király Györgyi, rendező-operatőr: Seregély István. Gynevac bébik. Készült az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma támogatásával a V and B Kommunikációs Kft. megbízásából.