Levendula (növénynemzetség) (Hungarian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Levendula (növénynemzetség)" in Hungarian language version.

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838th place
887th place
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  • (2006) „Antiparasitic activity of two Lavandula essential oils against Giardia duodenalis, Trichomonas vaginalis and Hexamita inflata”. Parasitology research 99 (6), 722–8. o. DOI:10.1007/s00436-006-0234-8. PMID 16741725. 
  • (2001) „Antibacterial activity of essential oils and their major constituents against respiratory tract pathogens by gaseous contact”. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 47 (5), 565–73. o. DOI:10.1093/jac/47.5.565. PMID 11328766. 
  • (2003) „Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of the leaf extracts and essential oil of Lavandula angustifolia Mill”. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 89 (1), 67–71. o. DOI:10.1016/S0378-8741(03)00234-4. PMID 14522434. 
  • (2010) „Silexan, an orally administered Lavandula oil preparation, is effective in the treatment of 'subsyndromal' anxiety disorder: a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial”. International clinical psychopharmacology 25 (5), 277–87. o. DOI:10.1097/YIC.0b013e32833b3242. PMID 20512042. 





  • (2006) „Antiparasitic activity of two Lavandula essential oils against Giardia duodenalis, Trichomonas vaginalis and Hexamita inflata”. Parasitology research 99 (6), 722–8. o. DOI:10.1007/s00436-006-0234-8. PMID 16741725. 
  • (2001) „Antibacterial activity of essential oils and their major constituents against respiratory tract pathogens by gaseous contact”. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 47 (5), 565–73. o. DOI:10.1093/jac/47.5.565. PMID 11328766. 
  • (2003) „Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of the leaf extracts and essential oil of Lavandula angustifolia Mill”. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 89 (1), 67–71. o. DOI:10.1016/S0378-8741(03)00234-4. PMID 14522434. 
  • (2010) „Silexan, an orally administered Lavandula oil preparation, is effective in the treatment of 'subsyndromal' anxiety disorder: a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial”. International clinical psychopharmacology 25 (5), 277–87. o. DOI:10.1097/YIC.0b013e32833b3242. PMID 20512042. 



  • Lavender: Science and Safety. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2007. március 1. (Hozzáférés: 2013. november 5.)







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