Dulin Jenő (Kisgazda Párt) előterjesztése a Parlamentben Saláta Kálmán és Jaczkó Pál kisgazdapárti nemzetgyűlési képviselők mentelmi jogának felfüggesztésről. Nemzetgyűlési napló, 1945. IV. kötet, 1946. október 22. - 1947. január 24., 948-950. oldal. https://library.hungaricana.hu/hu/view/OGYK_KN-1945_04/?pg=479&layout=s
„[Andras Zako] Claims is resistance movement has 35,000 members, now inactive, including some 50 - 60 trained intelligence personnel placed in various cities of Hungary, several with government jobs. Also claims to have a following of some 1,000 Hungarians outside Hungary, of whom 20 - 30 are trained intelligence personnel. Says 12 - 16 couriers to Hungary are available.
Subject said that the French IS is interested in him, but that he would prefer to work for the US. He also stated that his sole previous contacts with US intelligence consisted of interviews with a Mr. Jacob of CIC Passau, and a Mr. Ringer of CIC Salzburg. (There is no record of these conversations on file at EUCOM).” Nyersfordítás: ZorróAszter a Google fordító felhasználásával.