Croatia jails war crimes general. BBC News, 2008. május 30. (Hozzáférés: 2008. augusztus 12.) „Hét év börtönbüntetésre ítélték, mert 1993-ban nem akadályozta meg, hogy katonái szerbeket gyilkoljanak és kínozzanak. A vádirat 28 civil és öt fogoly meggyilkolását tartalmazta. Néhány áldozatot megkínoztak, mielőtt megölték őket.”
Services, Government of Canada, Office of the Secretary to the Governor General, Information and Media: Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation. (Hozzáférés: 2017. február 8.)
Carla Del Ponte: Indictment. The Prosecutor of the Tribunal against Janko Bobetko. ICTY, 2002. augusztus 23. (Hozzáférés: 2012. december 16.) „During the Medak Pocket operation at least 100 Serbs including 29 local Serb civilians were unlawfully killed and others sustained serious injury. Many of the killed and wounded civilians were women and elderly people. Croatian forces also killed at least five Serb soldiers who had been captured and/or wounded. Details of some of the killed 29 civilians and 5 soldiers hors d'combat are contained in the First Schedule to the indictment.”
Consolidated Indictment. The Prosecutor v. Rahim ADEMI and Mirko NORAC. International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, 2004. május 27. (Hozzáférés: 2012. április 20.)
Michael Snider. „FIREFIGHT AT THE MEDAK POCKET”, MacLeans Magazine, 2002. szeptember 2.. [2022. december 27-i dátummal az eredetiből archiválva] (Hozzáférés: 2022. december 27.)
Nacional, 11 December 2002.Canadian military faces scandalArchiválva 2008. június 13-i dátummal a Wayback Machine-ben.: The official records in the Defence Ministry refer to a total of 10 dead and 84 injured among the Croatian soldiers and police throughout the entire operation against Serbian forces from 9–17 September 1993
CT/MO/1015e – RAHIM ADEMI AND MIRKO NORAC CASE TRANSFERRED TO CROATIA. pub, 2005. november 1. [2008. március 17-i dátummal az eredetiből archiválva]. (Hozzáférés: 2008. augusztus 12.) „Today, 1 November 2005, the Rahim Ademi and Mirko Norac case was officially transferred to the Republic of Croatia by the ICTY. This is the first case in which persons already indicted by the Tribunal have been referred to Croatia. It is the only case, out of 10, that the Tribunal's Prosecution has requested be transferred to Croatia.”
Nacional, 11 December 2002.Canadian military faces scandalArchiválva 2008. június 13-i dátummal a Wayback Machine-ben.: The official records in the Defence Ministry refer to a total of 10 dead and 84 injured among the Croatian soldiers and police throughout the entire operation against Serbian forces from 9–17 September 1993
Water Conflict Chronology. Pacific Institute, Oakland, California. [2009. március 5-i dátummal az eredetiből archiválva]. (Hozzáférés: 2008. december 16.)
Michael Snider. „FIREFIGHT AT THE MEDAK POCKET”, MacLeans Magazine, 2002. szeptember 2.. [2022. december 27-i dátummal az eredetiből archiválva] (Hozzáférés: 2022. december 27.)
CT/MO/1015e – RAHIM ADEMI AND MIRKO NORAC CASE TRANSFERRED TO CROATIA. pub, 2005. november 1. [2008. március 17-i dátummal az eredetiből archiválva]. (Hozzáférés: 2008. augusztus 12.) „Today, 1 November 2005, the Rahim Ademi and Mirko Norac case was officially transferred to the Republic of Croatia by the ICTY. This is the first case in which persons already indicted by the Tribunal have been referred to Croatia. It is the only case, out of 10, that the Tribunal's Prosecution has requested be transferred to Croatia.”
Water Conflict Chronology. Pacific Institute, Oakland, California. [2009. március 5-i dátummal az eredetiből archiválva]. (Hozzáférés: 2008. december 16.)