Yiannopoulos, Milo. "Why I'll probably never be a parent" Yiannopoulos.net. Archived from the original at 16 August 2011. "But the thought that I might influence my child towards a lifestyle choice guaranteed to bring them pain and unhappiness–however remote that chance may be–is horrifying to me. That's why, quite simply, I wouldn't bring a child up in a gay household."
Yiannopoulos, Milo. "Why I'll probably never be a parent" Yiannopoulos.net. Archived from the original at 16 August 2011. "But the thought that I might influence my child towards a lifestyle choice guaranteed to bring them pain and unhappiness–however remote that chance may be–is horrifying to me. That's why, quite simply, I wouldn't bring a child up in a gay household."