Michael Ireland, "Veleky Bog: How Great is Our God! The story behind how a thunderstorm in Sweden prompted the writing of How Great Thou Art, one of Christianity’s greatest and much-loved hymns" ASSIST News Service (Sunday, October 7, 2007); http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2007/s07100068.htmArchiválva2009. február 10-i dátummal a Wayback Machine-ben (accessed 2 February 2009).
Michael Ireland, "Veleky Bog: How Great is Our God! The story behind how a thunderstorm in Sweden prompted the writing of How Great Thou Art, one of Christianity’s greatest and much-loved hymns" ASSIST News Service (Sunday, October 7, 2007); http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2007/s07100068.htmArchiválva2009. február 10-i dátummal a Wayback Machine-ben (accessed 2 February 2009).
J. Irving Erickson, Twice-Born Hymns (1976) and Sing it Again (1985), pages 9-10; sourced from Wally Bratt, "On 'How Great Thou Art'", Pietisten 17:2 (Winter 2003); http://www.pietisten.org/winter0203/howgreat.html (accessed 1 February 2009).
The New Century Hymnal (United Church of Christ, 1995); see footnote to “O Mighty God When I Survey in Wonder,” hymn 35; Glen V. Wiberg, "Sightings in Christian Music", Pietisten 17:1 (Summer 2002); http://www.pietisten.org/summer02/sightings.html (accessed 1 February 2009).
Michael Ireland, "Veleky Bog: How Great is Our God! The story behind how a thunderstorm in Sweden prompted the writing of How Great Thou Art, one of Christianity’s greatest and much-loved hymns" ASSIST News Service (Sunday, October 7, 2007); http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2007/s07100068.htmArchiválva2009. február 10-i dátummal a Wayback Machine-ben (accessed 2 February 2009).
Michael Ireland, "Veleky Bog: How Great is Our God! The story behind how a thunderstorm in Sweden prompted the writing of How Great Thou Art, one of Christianity’s greatest and much-loved hymns" ASSIST News Service (Sunday, October 7, 2007); http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2007/s07100068.htmArchiválva2009. február 10-i dátummal a Wayback Machine-ben (accessed 2 February 2009).