Bradshaw, Peter. „Stillwater review – fictionalised Amanda Knox drama is so bad it's bad”, 2021. július 9. „It’s hamfistedly inspired by the Amanda Knox case, the young American woman who was acquitted having spent four years in an Italian prison after the murder in 2007 of her roommate in Perugia, the British exchange student Meredith Kercher. This film creates a fictional quasi-Knox figure and fatuously convicts this made-up character of a certain muddled wrongdoing that the real Amanda Knox may very well feel she should not be smeared with.”
Morgenstern, Joe. „'Stillwater' Review: A Roughneck Abroad”, The Wall Street Journal, 2021. július 30. „The fictional case was loosely based on that of Amanda Knox, an American exchange student who was acquitted in 2015 of the charge of murdering her flatmate.”