Szavivanszavangmanivong laoszi királyi hercegnő (Hungarian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Szavivanszavangmanivong laoszi királyi hercegnő" in Hungarian language version.

Global rank Hungarian rank
1,893rd place
low place

  • „»Currently, we Lao women have securely settled down in third countries; however, I am thinking of those of us who are still left behind in our homeland and have to face daily struggles and difficulties in their lives. They have to do what it takes for them, and their families to survive. In addition, there are alarming new threats to Lao women such as AIDS, and drugs which are spreading widely in Laos.«” In: Radio Free Asia/Princess Calls for Focus on Plight of Lao Women– 2006. április 7 – 2014. május 6.