Holger Kirchmann; Gudni Thorvaldsson; Lars Bergström; Martin Gerzabek; Olof Andrén; Lars-Olov Eriksson; Mikael Winninge (2008). Holger Kirchmann and Lars Bergström (ed.). Organic Crop Production – Ambitions and Limitations. Berlin: Springer. էջեր 13–37. «Organic agriculture can be traced back to the early 20th century, initiated by the Austrian spiritual philosopher Rudolf Steiner.»
Biodynamic agriculture is "a type of organic system". Charles Francis and J. van Wart (2009), "History of Organic Farming and Certification", in Organic farming: the ecological systemԱրխիվացված 2013-05-26 Wayback Machine. American Society of Agronomy. pp. 3-18
Biodynamic agriculture is "a type of organic system". Charles Francis and J. van Wart (2009), "History of Organic Farming and Certification", in Organic farming: the ecological systemԱրխիվացված 2013-05-26 Wayback Machine. American Society of Agronomy. pp. 3-18