Euler, Leonhard (1771). Vollstandige Anleitung Zur Algebra [Complete Introduction to Algebra] (գերմաներեն). Vol. 1. էջ 10. «Alle diese Zahlen, so wohl positive als negative, führen den bekannten Nahmen der gantzen Zahlen, welche also entweder größer oder kleiner sind als nichts. Man nennt dieselbe gantze Zahlen, um sie von den gebrochenen, und noch vielerley andern Zahlen, wovon unten gehandelt werden wird, zu unterscheiden.» [All these numbers, both positive and negative, are called whole numbers, which are either greater or lesser than nothing. We call them whole numbers, to distinguish them from fractions, and from several other kinds of numbers of which we shall hereafter speak.]
Bourbaki, Nicolas (1951). Algèbre, Chapter 1 (ֆրանսերեն) (2nd ed.). Paris: Hermann. էջ 27. «Le symétrisé de N se note Z; ses éléments sont appelés entiers rationnels.» [The group of differences of N is denoted by Z; its elements are called the rational integers.]
Birkhoff, Garrett (1948). Lattice Theory (Revised ed.). American Mathematical Society. էջ 63. «the set J of all integers»
Partee, Barbara H.; Meulen, Alice ter; Wall, Robert E. (1990 թ․ ապրիլի 30). Mathematical Methods in Linguistics (անգլերեն). Springer Science & Business Media. էջեր 78–82. ISBN978-90-277-2245-4. «The natural numbers are not themselves a subset of this set-theoretic representation of the integers. Rather, the set of all integers contains a subset consisting of the positive integers and zero which is isomorphic to the set of natural numbers.»
Smedley, Edward; Rose, Hugh James; Rose, Henry John (1845). Encyclopædia Metropolitana (անգլերեն). B. Fellowes. էջ 537. «An integer is a multiple of unity»
The University of Leeds Review (անգլերեն). Vol. 31–32. University of Leeds. 1989. էջ 46. «Incidentally, Z comes from "Zahl": the notation was created by Hilbert.»
Society, Canadian Mathematical (1960). Canadian Journal of Mathematics (անգլերեն). Canadian Mathematical Society. էջ 374. «Consider the set Z of non-negative integers»
«Integer | mathematics». Encyclopedia Britannica (անգլերեն). Վերցված է 2020 թ․ օգոստոսի 11-ին.
Pisano, Leonardo; Boncompagni, Baldassarre (transliteration) (1202). Incipit liber Abbaci compositus to Lionardo filio Bonaccii Pisano in year Mccij [The Book of Calculation] (Manuscript) (լատիներեն). Translated by Sigler, Laurence E. Museo Galileo. էջ 30. «Nam rupti uel fracti semper ponendi sunt post integra, quamuis prius integra quam rupti pronuntiari debeant.» [And the fractions are always put after the whole, thus first the integer is written, and then the fraction]