Տես մասնավորապես հետևյալ համացանցային աղբյուրներում՝ "Cyberpower and National Security: Policy Recommendations for a Strategic Framework," in Cyberpower and National Security, FD Kramer, S. Starr, L.K. Wentz (ed.), National Defense University Press, Washington (DC) 2009; Տես նաև՝ Mayer, M., Chiarugi, I., De Scalzi, N.,https://www.academia.edu/14336129/International_Politics_in_the_Digital_Age.
These days there is no reason to expect a video editor to know HTML, a web designer to know perl, a database programmer to understand packet switching. So to introduce his readers to cyberspace —the global fabric that supposedly knits together all these separate threads— Gibson fell back on something our culture had prepared everyone to understand: a chase sequence through an imagined space. It would seem, therefore, that the metaphor of cyberspace is not merely a narrative of convenience but a practical necessity. John Ippolito)