Nussbaumer, Harry (2013). 'Slipher's redshifts as support for de Sitter's model and the discovery of the dynamic universe' In Origins of the Expanding Universe: 1912-1932. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. էջեր 25–38.Physics ArXiv preprint
O'Raifeartaigh, Cormac (2013). The Contribution of V.M. Slipher to the discovery of the expanding universe in 'Origins of the Expanding Universe'. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. էջեր 49–62.Physics ArXiv preprint
Lemaître, G. (1927). «Un univers homogène de masse constante et de rayon croissant rendant compte de la vitesse radiale des nébuleuses extra-galactiques». Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles A (47): 49–59. Bibcode:1927ASSB...47...49L. Partially translated in Lemaître, G. (1931). «Expansion of the universe, A homogeneous universe of constant mass and increasing radius accounting for the radial velocity of extra-galactic nebulae». Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 91: 483–490. Bibcode:1931MNRAS..91..483L. doi:10.1093/mnras/91.5.483.
Lemaître, G. (1927). «Un univers homogène de masse constante et de rayon croissant rendant compte de la vitesse radiale des nébuleuses extra-galactiques». Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles A (47): 49–59. Bibcode:1927ASSB...47...49L. Partially translated in Lemaître, G. (1931). «Expansion of the universe, A homogeneous universe of constant mass and increasing radius accounting for the radial velocity of extra-galactic nebulae». Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 91: 483–490. Bibcode:1931MNRAS..91..483L. doi:10.1093/mnras/91.5.483.