Chang & McCormick (1990); Darby-Dowman (1980); Setubal (1993); Setubal (1996). Chang, S. Frank; McCormick, S. Thomas (1990), A faster implementation of a bipartite cardinality matching algorithm, Tech. Rep. 90-MSC-005, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Univ. of British Columbia. As cited by Setubal (1996). Darby-Dowman, Kenneth (1980), The exploitation of sparsity in large scale linear programming problems – Data structures and restructuring algorithms, Ph.D. thesis, Brunel University. As cited by Setubal (1996). Setubal, João C. (1993), «New experimental results for bipartite matching», Proc. Netflow93, Dept. of Informatics, Univ. of Pisa, էջեր 211–216. As cited by Setubal (1996). Setubal, João C. (1996), Sequential and parallel experimental results with bipartite matching algorithms, Tech. Rep. IC-96-09, Inst. of Computing, Univ. of Campinas.