«Metapedia» als nationales Pendant zu «Wikipedia»Արխիվացված 2013-10-15 Wayback Machine (i.e «Metapedia» as a nationalist counterpart to «Wikipedia») from: «Report by the NRW Office for the Protection of the Constitution for the year 2008» by the Ministry of Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia. pp. 59f. (գերմ.)
«Metapedia» als nationales Pendant zu «Wikipedia»Արխիվացված 2013-10-15 Wayback Machine (i.e «Metapedia» as a nationalist counterpart to «Wikipedia») from: «Report by the NRW Office for the Protection of the Constitution for the year 2008» by the Ministry of Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia. pp. 59f. (գերմ.)