"La Guerre et le lycée Loubet" (The War and Lycée Loubet)Արխիվացված 2017-04-27 Wayback Machine - These are photos of commemorative plaques in the entrance hall of the Lycée Emile Loubet in Valence. The lycée started operating and enrolling students about 1904. The plaques list all the professors and students from the lycée who died in various wars (including W.W.I and W.W.II) in which France was involved. Scroll down the page to the chart which is titled "Ancien Professeurs" (Former Professors) in the upper left-hand corner of the chart. At the bottom of the chart you will see information on Jules Paul Ricœur (1887–1918), who was not the same person as Paul Ricœur's father Léon "Jules" Ricœur (1881–1915).
"La Guerre et le lycée Loubet" (The War and Lycée Loubet)Արխիվացված 2017-04-27 Wayback Machine - These are photos of commemorative plaques in the entrance hall of the Lycée Emile Loubet in Valence. The lycée started operating and enrolling students about 1904. The plaques list all the professors and students from the lycée who died in various wars (including W.W.I and W.W.II) in which France was involved. Scroll down the page to the chart which is titled "Ancien Professeurs" (Former Professors) in the upper left-hand corner of the chart. At the bottom of the chart you will see information on Jules Paul Ricœur (1887–1918), who was not the same person as Paul Ricœur's father Léon "Jules" Ricœur (1881–1915).