Sun Mi-kyung (May 12, 2022). "B1A4 신우, 6월 12일 데뷔 첫 단독 팬미팅 개최.."특별한 생일파티" [B1A4's Shinwoo to hold his first solo fan meeting on June 12th.."Special birthday party] (dalam bahasa Korea). OSEN. Diakses tanggal May 12, 2022 – via Naver.
Kim Min-ji (June 16, 2022). "B1A4 신우, '1등 당첨금 찾아가세요' 출연…신입 공무원 변신" [B1A4 Shinwoo to appear on 'Find the 1st Prize'... Transformation of new civil servants] (dalam bahasa Korea). News1. Diakses tanggal June 16, 2022 – via Naver.