Joes, Anthony James, Resisting Rebellion, pp. 68, 69–80, The Univ. Press of Kentucky 2006: "The Cristero movement, called by Mexicans La Cristiada, fought against religious persecution by the regime in Mexico City."
Edmonds-Poli, Emily and David A. Shirk Contemporary Mexican Politics, p. 51, Rowman & Littlefield 2009: "Growing outrage at government restrictions and continued persecution of the clergy led to a series of uprisings in central Mexico known collectively as the Cristero rebellion."
Chand, Vikram K., Mexico's Political Awakening, p. 153, Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 2001: “In 1926, the Catholic hierarchy had responded to government persecution by suspending Mass, which was then followed by the eruption of the Cristero War…”
Bethel, Leslie, Cambridge History of Latin America, p. 593, Cambridge Univ. Press: “The Revolution had finally crushed Catholicism and driven it back inside the churches, and there it stayed, still persecuted, throughout the 1930s and beyond”