Churchill, W. S. (1923–1931). The World Crisis (Odhams 1938 ed.). London: Thornton Butterworth. Page 558.Diarsipkan 2023-07-26 di Wayback Machine. Total German casualties for "Russia and all other fronts" (aside from the West) are given as 1,693,000 including 517,000 dead.
Кривошеев Г.Ф. Россия и СССР в войнах XX века. М., 2001 – Потери русской армии, табл. 52, Krivosheeva, G.F. (2001). Rossiia i SSSR v voinakh XX veka : poteri vooruzhennykh sil : statisticheskoe issledovanie / pod obshchei redaktsiei. Moscow: OLMA-Press See Tables 52 & 56]. Total 9,347,269 orang ini merujuk kepada korban-korban Rusia pada seluruh front termasuk Kampanye Balkan dan Kampanye Kaukasus; meskipun kebanyakan dari mereka menjadi korban pada Front Timur.
Churchill, W. S. (1923–1931). The World Crisis (Odhams 1938 ed.). London: Thornton Butterworth. Page 558.Diarsipkan 2023-07-26 di Wayback Machine. Total German casualties for "Russia and all other fronts" (aside from the West) are given as 1,693,000 including 517,000 dead.
Austro-Hungarian Casualties.Diarsipkan 2015-10-21 di Wayback Machine. Total casualties during the war, including the Italian and Balkan fronts, were 1.2 million confirmed killed, 3.62 million wounded, and 2.2 million missing or captured. The Eastern Front accounted for about 50% of these.
Austro-Hungarian Casualties.Diarsipkan 2015-10-21 di Wayback Machine. Total casualties during the war, including the Italian and Balkan fronts, were 1.2 million confirmed killed, 3.62 million wounded, and 2.2 million missing or captured. The Eastern Front accounted for about 50% of these.