Ng, P.K.L. 1998. "Crabs". in Kent E. Carpenter & Volker H. Niem (Eds.). FAO Species Identification Guide: The Living Marine Resources of The Western Pacific. Vol. 2: 1046-155.Diarsipkan 2022-06-17 di Wayback Machine. Rome:Food and Agriculture Organization. (Grapsus albolineatus p.1142; kunci identifikasi 1138-41.)
Milbert, J. 1812. Voyage pittoresque à l'Ile de France, au Cap de Bonne Espérence et à l'Ile de Ténériffe, t. 2: 275.Diarsipkan 2023-08-08 di Wayback Machine. Paris :A. Nepveu Libraire.
Kennish, R. & G.A. Williams. 1997. "Feeding preferences of the herbivorous crab Grapsus albolineatus: the differential influence of algal nutrient content and morphology." Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.147: 87-95,Diarsipkan 2023-07-26 di Wayback Machine. February 1997.
Milbert, J. 1812. Voyage pittoresque à l'Ile de France, au Cap de Bonne Espérence et à l'Ile de Ténériffe, t. 2: 275.Diarsipkan 2023-08-08 di Wayback Machine. Paris :A. Nepveu Libraire.
Ng, P.K.L. 1998. "Crabs". in Kent E. Carpenter & Volker H. Niem (Eds.). FAO Species Identification Guide: The Living Marine Resources of The Western Pacific. Vol. 2: 1046-155.Diarsipkan 2022-06-17 di Wayback Machine. Rome:Food and Agriculture Organization. (Grapsus albolineatus p.1142; kunci identifikasi 1138-41.)
Kennish, R. & G.A. Williams. 1997. "Feeding preferences of the herbivorous crab Grapsus albolineatus: the differential influence of algal nutrient content and morphology." Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.147: 87-95,Diarsipkan 2023-07-26 di Wayback Machine. February 1997.