"The pseudo-psychiatric term Islamophobia is a statement that any criticism of Muslims is evidence of clinical pathology. Yet the label is often attached to valid criticisms of particular Muslims whose behaviour has laid them open to legitimate censure." - David Green, Bad Faith VI
"... Islamophobia", a wretched concept that confuses criticism of Islam as a religion and stigmatisation of those who believe in it." Rushdie, Salmanet al. "Writers' statement on cartoons", BBC News, March 1, 2006.
McGlinchey, S., Walters, R., dan Scheinpflug, C. (2017). International Relation Theory [Dasar-Dasar Kajian Teori Hubungan Internasional] (PDF). Diterjemahkan oleh Mukti, Takdir Ali. Bristol: E-International Relation Publishing. hlm. 40. ISBN978-1-910814-20-8.Parameter |url-status= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (bantuan)Pemeliharaan CS1: Banyak nama: authors list (link)
"Counter-Islamophobia Kit". Equinet European Network of Equality Bodies. 4 October 2019. Diakses tanggal 1 March 2019.
"This term is a fabricated and question-begging linguistic manoeuvre designed to present the protection of religious sensibilities as a civil liberty issue." - The "Islamophobia" scamDiarsipkan 2007-09-27 di Wayback Machine., Oliver Kamm
"This term is a fabricated and question-begging linguistic manoeuvre designed to present the protection of religious sensibilities as a civil liberty issue." - The "Islamophobia" scamDiarsipkan 2007-09-27 di Wayback Machine., Oliver Kamm