Kalkulasi dalam barang (Indonesian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Kalkulasi dalam barang" in Indonesian language version.

Global rank Indonesian rank
6th place
2nd place


  • Steele, David (1992). From Marx to Mises: Post-Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation. Open Court Publishing Company. hlm. 123. ISBN 978-0875484495. The term ‘calculation in kind’ is normally reserved for attempts to dispense with any general unit of calculation. It is usually not taken to include cases where a general unit of calculation is arrived at without reference to money or markets. Thus it is applied to Taylor-Swift accounting prices, nor to notional ‘prices’ ascribed to all commodities in an attempt to replace the market by solving a large number of simultaneous equations, nor to the use of labor time as a measure of cost.