Kalkun-padang hitam selatan (Indonesian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Kalkun-padang hitam selatan" in Indonesian language version.

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5th place
7th place
2nd place
4th place
3rd place
6th place
low place
low place



  • BirdLife International (2016). "Afrotis afra". 2016: e.T22691975A93331501. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22691975A93331501.en.  Kesalahan pengutipan: Tanda <ref> tidak sah; nama "iucn status 14 November 2021" didefinisikan berulang dengan isi berbeda
  • Kok, O. B.; Earlé, R. A. (1990-12-01). "Diet of the Black Korhaan Eupodotis Afra in the Orange Free State and North-West Cape". Ostrich. 61 (3–4): 107–110. doi:10.1080/00306525.1990.9634155. ISSN 0030-6525. 
  • Winterbottom, J. M. (2010-10-11). "On the birds of the Sandveld Kalahari of South West Africa". Ostrich (dalam bahasa Inggris). 40:4 (4): 182–204. doi:10.1080/00306525.1969.9634346. 
  • Allan, David G.; Harrison, James A.; Navarro, RenéA.; van Wilgen, Brian W.; Thompson, Mark W. (1997-02-01). "The impact of commercial afforestation on bird populations in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa — Insights from bird-atlas data". Biological Conservation. 79 (2): 173–85. doi:10.1016/S0006-3207(96)00098-5. ISSN 0006-3207. 
  • Raihani, Gina; Székely, Tamás; Serrano-Meneses, M. Alejandro; Pitra, Christian; Goriup, Paul (2006-04-01). "The influence of sexual selection and male agility on sexual size dimorphism in bustards (Otididae)". Animal Behaviour. 71 (4): 833–838. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2005.06.013. ISSN 0003-3472. 
  • Knight, Richard S.; Macdonald, I. A. W. (1991-08-01). "Acacias and korhaans: an artificially assembled seed dispersal system". South African Journal of Botany. 57 (4): 220–225. doi:10.1016/S0254-6299(16)30942-5. ISSN 0254-6299. 
  • Shaw, Jessica M.; Jenkins, Andrew R.; Allan, David G.; Ryan, Peter G. (2016). "Population size and trends of Ludwig's Bustard Neotis ludwigii and other large terrestrial birds in the Karoo, South Africa". Bird Conservation International (dalam bahasa Inggris). 26 (1): 69–86. doi:10.1017/S0959270914000458. ISSN 0959-2709. 



  • Kok, O. B.; Earlé, R. A. (1990-12-01). "Diet of the Black Korhaan Eupodotis Afra in the Orange Free State and North-West Cape". Ostrich. 61 (3–4): 107–110. doi:10.1080/00306525.1990.9634155. ISSN 0030-6525. 
  • Hofmeyr, Sally D (2012). Impacts of environmental change on large terrestrial bird species in South Africa: insights from citizen science data. University of Cape Town. OCLC 920646225. 
  • "Plates I to V". Annals of the Transvaal Museum (dalam bahasa Inggris). 23 (1). 1957-01-01. ISSN 0041-1752. 
  • Allan, David G.; Harrison, James A.; Navarro, RenéA.; van Wilgen, Brian W.; Thompson, Mark W. (1997-02-01). "The impact of commercial afforestation on bird populations in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa — Insights from bird-atlas data". Biological Conservation. 79 (2): 173–85. doi:10.1016/S0006-3207(96)00098-5. ISSN 0006-3207. 
  • Raihani, Gina; Székely, Tamás; Serrano-Meneses, M. Alejandro; Pitra, Christian; Goriup, Paul (2006-04-01). "The influence of sexual selection and male agility on sexual size dimorphism in bustards (Otididae)". Animal Behaviour. 71 (4): 833–838. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2005.06.013. ISSN 0003-3472. 
  • Knight, Richard S.; Macdonald, I. A. W. (1991-08-01). "Acacias and korhaans: an artificially assembled seed dispersal system". South African Journal of Botany. 57 (4): 220–225. doi:10.1016/S0254-6299(16)30942-5. ISSN 0254-6299. 
  • Shaw, Jessica M.; Jenkins, Andrew R.; Allan, David G.; Ryan, Peter G. (2016). "Population size and trends of Ludwig's Bustard Neotis ludwigii and other large terrestrial birds in the Karoo, South Africa". Bird Conservation International (dalam bahasa Inggris). 26 (1): 69–86. doi:10.1017/S0959270914000458. ISSN 0959-2709. 
  • Hofmeyr, Sally D (2012). Impacts of environmental change on large terrestrial bird species in South Africa: insights from citizen science data. University of Cape Town. OCLC 920646225. Hofmeyr, Sally D (2012).