Representative English language publications include Mondragon, Carlos (2004), "Of winds, worms and mana: the traditional calendar of the Torres Islands, Vanuatu", Oceania, 74 (4): 289–308, doi:10.1002/j.1834-4461.2004.tb02856.x; —— (2013), Lissant, Bolton; Thomas, Nicholas, ed., Melanesia: art and encounter, London: British Museum Press, hlm. 262–[65], ISBN9780714125961; and —— (2015), Pitrou, Perig; Olivier, Guilhem, ed., "Concealment, revelation and cosmological dualism: visibility, materiality and the spiritscape of the Torres Islands, Vanuatu", Cahiers d'anthropologie sociale, Paris: L'Herne (11, "Montrer/occulter: les dispositifs de modifications de la visibilité dans des contexts rituelles"): 289–308, OCLC905887073.
Representative English language publications include Mondragon, Carlos (2004), "Of winds, worms and mana: the traditional calendar of the Torres Islands, Vanuatu", Oceania, 74 (4): 289–308, doi:10.1002/j.1834-4461.2004.tb02856.x; —— (2013), Lissant, Bolton; Thomas, Nicholas, ed., Melanesia: art and encounter, London: British Museum Press, hlm. 262–[65], ISBN9780714125961; and —— (2015), Pitrou, Perig; Olivier, Guilhem, ed., "Concealment, revelation and cosmological dualism: visibility, materiality and the spiritscape of the Torres Islands, Vanuatu", Cahiers d'anthropologie sociale, Paris: L'Herne (11, "Montrer/occulter: les dispositifs de modifications de la visibilité dans des contexts rituelles"): 289–308, OCLC905887073.