In commenting on the use of "consciousness" in SN 22.3 [1], Bodhi (2000b), hlm. 1046-7, n. 18, states: "The passage confirms the privileged status of consciousness among the five aggregates. While all the aggregates are conditioned phenomena marked by the three characteristics, consciousness serves as the connecting thread of personal continuity through the sequence of rebirths.... The other four aggregates serve as the 'stations for consciousness' (vinnanatthitiyo: see [SN] 22:53-54). Even consciousness, however, is not a self-identical entity but a sequence of dependently arisen occasions of cognizing; see MN I 256-60."
Put another way, it is through the five skandhas that clinging occurs. See, for instance, the Samadhi Sutta (SN 22:5) (Thanissaro, 2006b).
The apparent distinctions between the nidana model and the khandha model are reduced when, instead of using the twelve-nidana model of the Samyutta Nikaya, chapter 12 (e.g., Thanissaro, 1997d), one compares the nine-nidana model of the Maha-nidana Sutta (DN 15) (Thanissaro, 1997a) where consciousness conditions name-and-form and name-and-form conditions consciousness.
Khajjaniya Sutta ("Chewed Up," SN 22.29) (Thanissaro, 2001a). Mengenai persepsi tipikal (saññā) melalui warna-warna visual dan kesadaran (viññāṇa) melalui berbagai rasa dalam SN 22.79, Bodhi (2000b, hlm. 1072, n. 114) menyebutkan bahwa kitab subkomentar untuk Saṁyutta Nikāya menyatakan bahwa persepsi menangkap penampakan dan bentuk, sementara kesadaran "dapat menangkap perbedaan-perbedaan tertentu dalam sebuah objek bahkan ketika tidak ada penampakan dan bentuk."
Lihat, misalnya, SN 12.2 (Thanissaro, 1997b), ketika Sang Buddha menyatakan: "Dan apakah yang dimaksud dengan saṅkhāra? Ketiganya adalah saṅkhāra: saṅkhāra tubuh/jasmani, saṅkhāra ucapan, saṅkhāra pikiran/batin. Ketiganya disebut saṅkhāra."
Karunamuni ND (May 2015). "The Five-Aggregate Model of the Mind". SAGE Open. 5 (2): 215824401558386. doi:10.1177/2158244015583860.
Shulman 2007. Shulman, Eviatar (2007), "Early Meanings of Dependent-Origination", Journal of Indian Philosophy, 36 (2): 297–317, doi:10.1007/s10781-007-9030-8Parameter |s2cid= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (bantuan)