Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Khilafah" in Indonesian language version.
Today the term "caliphate" has come to denote in journalistic use a form of political and religious tyranny, a fanatical version of the application of Islamic law, and a general intolerence toward other faiths - another interpretation, albeit a distorted one, at the beginning of the twenty-first century. It may be useful to recall that such radical perceptions of the term float mostly in the realm of media coverage and are far removed from the actual historical reality of the achievements when a caliphate existed in the medieval period. If we take a longer view of the influence of the office of the caliphate on changes in Islamic society, it may be worth noting that most of the dramatic social and legal reforms instituted by, for instance, the Ottomans in the 19th century were only feasible because of the ability of the sultan to posture as caliph. The Gulhane Reform of 1839 which established the equality of all subjects of the empire before the law, the reforms of 1856 which eliminated social distinctions based on religion, the abolition of slavery in 1857, and the suspension of the traditional penalties of Islamic law in 1858 would all have been inconceivable without the clout that the umbrella of the caliphate afforded to the office of the reforming monarch. (Terjemahan: Saat ini istilah "kekhalifahan" telah menunjukkan dalam penggunaan jurnalistik suatu bentuk tirani politik dan agama, versi fanatik dari penerapan hukum Islam, dan intoleransi umum terhadap agama lain - interpretasi lain, meskipun terdistorsi, pada awalnya. dari abad kedua puluh satu. Mungkin berguna untuk mengingat bahwa persepsi radikal tentang istilah tersebut melayang sebagian besar di ranah liputan media dan jauh dari realitas historis sebenarnya dari pencapaian ketika kekhalifahan ada pada periode abad pertengahan. Jika kita melihat lebih jauh pengaruh kantor kekhalifahan terhadap perubahan dalam masyarakat Islam, mungkin perlu dicatat bahwa sebagian besar reformasi sosial dan hukum dramatis yang dilembagakan oleh, misalnya, Ottoman pada abad ke-19 hanya dapat dilakukan. karena kemampuan sultan untuk memposisikan diri sebagai khalifah. Reformasi Gulhane tahun 1839 yang menetapkan persamaan semua subjek kekaisaran di depan hukum, reformasi tahun 1856 yang menghilangkan perbedaan sosial berdasarkan agama, penghapusan perbudakan pada tahun 1857, dan penangguhan hukuman tradisional hukum Islam pada tahun 1858 semua tidak akan terbayangkan tanpa pengaruh yang diberikan oleh payung kekhalifahan pada jabatan monarki reformasi.)
Rejected by the majority of Muslims as heretical since it believes in ongoing prophethood after the death of Muhammad. Currently based in Pakistan, but forbidden to practice, preach, or propagate their faith as Islam or their places of worship as mosques.
Rejected by the majority of Muslims as heretical since it believes in ongoing prophethood after the death of Muhammad. Currently based in Pakistan, but forbidden to practice, preach, or propagate their faith as Islam or their places of worship as mosques.