Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Mario" in Indonesian language version.
Mario's voiced by Henry Corden, who took over voicing Fred Flintstone after Alan Reed passed away.
Could that mean that Mario's last name is "Video Game"? No, Iwata replied. "He does not have a last name."
もともと『マリオブラザーズ』は、土管がいっぱいあるニューヨークの地下で活躍する兄弟、ニューヨークのなかでもたぶんブルックリン、というところまで勝手に決めていて。『ドンキーコング』は舞台がニューヨークですし。[Miyamoto: (Bahasa Inggris) Originally, Mario Bros. was arbitrarily decided as brothers who are active in the underground of New York, where there are many clay pipes, and probably Brooklyn in New York. Donkey Kong is set in New York. (Terjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia) Awalnya, Mario Bros. diputuskan secara sewenang-wenang sebagai saudara yang aktif di bawah tanah New York, di mana terdapat banyak pipa tanah liat, dan mungkin Brooklyn di New York. Donkey Kong berlatar di New York.]
(bantuan)Mario's voiced by Henry Corden, who took over voicing Fred Flintstone after Alan Reed passed away.
もともと『マリオブラザーズ』は、土管がいっぱいあるニューヨークの地下で活躍する兄弟、ニューヨークのなかでもたぶんブルックリン、というところまで勝手に決めていて。『ドンキーコング』は舞台がニューヨークですし。[Miyamoto: (Bahasa Inggris) Originally, Mario Bros. was arbitrarily decided as brothers who are active in the underground of New York, where there are many clay pipes, and probably Brooklyn in New York. Donkey Kong is set in New York. (Terjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia) Awalnya, Mario Bros. diputuskan secara sewenang-wenang sebagai saudara yang aktif di bawah tanah New York, di mana terdapat banyak pipa tanah liat, dan mungkin Brooklyn di New York. Donkey Kong berlatar di New York.]
What's my last name? That's a very good question. That's right, it's Mario! My name's-a Mario Mario. Of course, my brother's name, a-Luigi Mario. And of course, my mama's-a Mama Mia Mario; my papa Papa Pio Mario. Of course, my grandmama Grandmama Mia Mario and my greatpapa et cetera, et cetera. Yeah, first name Mario, last name Mario. Yahoo!
Could that mean that Mario's last name is "Video Game"? No, Iwata replied. "He does not have a last name."
Mario's voiced by Henry Corden, who took over voicing Fred Flintstone after Alan Reed passed away.
What's my last name? That's a very good question. That's right, it's Mario! My name's-a Mario Mario. Of course, my brother's name, a-Luigi Mario. And of course, my mama's-a Mama Mia Mario; my papa Papa Pio Mario. Of course, my grandmama Grandmama Mia Mario and my greatpapa et cetera, et cetera. Yeah, first name Mario, last name Mario. Yahoo!