Pergantian Besar (Indonesian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Pergantian Besar" in Indonesian language version.

Global rank Indonesian rank
5th place
7th place
2nd place
4th place
204th place
555th place
low place
low place
1,261st place
low place
low place
low place
36th place
129th place

    • Froio, Caterina (21 August 2018). "Race, Religion, or Culture? Framing Islam between Racism and Neo-Racism in the Online Network of the French Far Right". Perspectives on Politics. 16 (3): 696–709. doi:10.1017/S1537592718001573. ...the conspiracy theory of the Grand remplacement (Great replacement) positing the 'Islamo-substitution' of biologically autochthonous populations in the French metropolitan territory, by Muslim minorities mostly coming from sub-Saharan Africa and the Maghreb

    • "How dangerous are Austria's far-right hipsters? | DW | 28 August 2018". DW.COM. Diakses tanggal 24 September 2018. ...and spread the 'great replacement' conspiracy theory – the idea that white Europeans will be replaced by people from the Middle East and Africa through immigration. The theory is based on inflated statistics and un-substantiated demographic projections. Right now, only 4 percent of the European Union is made up of non-EU nationals.

    • Sowerwine, Charles (2018). France since 1870 : Culture, Politics and Society. London: Palgrave. hlm. 460. ISBN 978-1-137-40611-8. OCLC 1051356006. Zemmour flirted with a far-right conspiracy theory; the Grand remplacement (Great Replacement) 
    • Baldauf, Johannes (2017). Toxische Narrative : Monitoring rechts-alternativer Akteure (PDF) (dalam bahasa Belanda). Berlin: Amadeu Antonio Stiftung. hlm. 11. ISBN 978-3-940878-29-8. OCLC 1042949000. ...this narrative is highly compatible with concrete conspiracy narratives about how this replacement is desired and planned, either by 'the politicians' or 'the elite,' which-ever connotes Jewishness more effectively.