Cowan, Ross (2003). "Equipment". Roman legionary: 58 BC - AD 69. Osprey Publishing. hlm. 25–26. ISBN978-1-84176-600-3. Diakses tanggal 8 February 2012.
Jeon, Jeong-hwan; Kim, Sung-kyu; Koh, Jin-hwan (2015-12-22). "Historical review on the patterns of open innovation at the national level: the case of the roman period". Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 1 (2): 20. doi:10.1186/s40852-015-0026-4. ISSN2199-8531.
Arrian's Array against the Alans. "And the front four ranks of the formation must be of spearmen, whose spearpoints end in thin iron shanks. And the foremost of them should hold them at the ready, in order that when the enemies come near them, they can thrust the iron points of the spears at the breast of the horses in particular. Those standing in second, third and fourth rank of the formation must hold their spears ready for thrusting if possible, wounding the horses and killing the horsemen and put the rider out of action with the spear stuck in their heavy body armour and the iron point bent because of the softness. The following ranks should be of the javelineers."Dorst, Sander van. "Arrian's Array against the Alans". Diakses tanggal 2010-10-03.
Jeon, Jeong-hwan; Kim, Sung-kyu; Koh, Jin-hwan (2015-12-22). "Historical review on the patterns of open innovation at the national level: the case of the roman period". Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 1 (2): 20. doi:10.1186/s40852-015-0026-4. ISSN2199-8531.