Q is (Indonesian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Q is" in Indonesian language version.

Global rank Indonesian rank
9th place
21st place
573rd place
151st place
19th place
74th place




  • [Showcase] NU'EST(뉴이스트) _ OVERCOME(여왕의 기사) & In Fact(사실 말야) [(Showcase) NU'EST: Overcome & In Fact]. South Korea: 1theK. 2016-02-21. Berlangsung pada 3:20-3:47. Diakses tanggal 2019-12-29. Baekho: Our first track is "My Heaven" ["Lost & Found"], which is the "L" of "love." The second track is "Overcome", which is the "O" of "love." The third track is "In Fact" ["VVith"], which is the "V" of "love." And the fourth track is "Bickering" ["Emotion"], which is the "E" of "love." On the last track, we added "S" and "2" to make a heart shape, so the album spells out "LOVE", and a heart.