Ace Books (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ace Books" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
215th place
4th place
3,802nd place
1,520th place
low place
low place
1,815th place
4,079th place
low place
low place
6th place
8th place
low place
low place
1,538th place
3,428th place
696th place
2,484th place

  • (EN) LocusMag Archive Page - Betsy Wollheim: The Family Trade, su URL consultato il 29 marzo 2019.
    «“My father was genuinely self-motivated, not other-directed in any way, and he could never have achieved what he did if he cared what anybody else thought. So the fact that he was so difficult, so antisocial, helped make him as great as he was. The most obvious example is Tolkien. Today I meet people and frequently the only thing they know about my father is that he published the unauthorized Lord of the Rings. He was vilified for that, but what really happened from his point of view was interesting. When he called up Professor Tolkien in 1964 and asked if he could publish Lord of the Rings as Ace paperbacks, Tolkien said he would never allow his great works to appear in so ‘degenerate a form’ as the paperback book. Don was one of the fathers of the entire paperback industry, since before he spearheaded the Ace line he was the originating editor-in-chief of the Avon paperback list in 1945, so he took this personally. He was very offended. He did a little research and discovered a loophole in the copyright. Houghton Mifflin, Tolkien’s American hardcover publisher, had neglected to protect the work in the United States. So, incensed by Tolkien’s response, he realized that he could legally publish them and did»

  • SF Canada Article - "An Interview with Editor John Morgan" by Celu Amberstone, su, 8 ottobre 2006. URL consultato il 1º ottobre 2018 (archiviato dall'url originale l'8 ottobre 2006).
  • (EN) Copyright Act del 1909 (PDF), su URL consultato il 2 Novembre 2018 (archiviato dall'url originale il 27 settembre 2005).
  • (EN) Legge sul diritto d'autore dal 1909 al 1947. Sezione 9 e 12, su (archiviato il 22 giugno 2008).
  • (EN) Pat Reynolds, The Lord of the Rings: The Tale of a Text, su, The Tolkien Society. URL consultato il 30 marzo 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale l'8 settembre 2006).
    «There was a campaign against Ace, who, as a result, agreed to pay royalties, and not to print any more copies. But, as a result of being advised that he had lost his copyright, even before the Ace edition was issued, Tolkien began to revise The Lord of the Rings, so that there could be an authorised paperback which would be a new edition, and more importantly, a new edition for which he would still own the copyright. This was published by Ballentine Books in October 1965.»