Kishimoto, 1956, p. 59. «In addition to the Office of Propaganda, the Department of Shinto had the function of caring for Imperial mausolea» Hideo Kishimoto, Japanese Religion in the Meiji Era, Ōbunsha, 1956.
Kishimoto, 1956, p. 69, "The actual directive which abolished the Shinto Ministry on April 21, 1872, read in part as follows: 'Let the purely formal functions be transferred to the Board of Ceremonies, while the Department of Religion and Education take over the duties ...'" Hideo Kishimoto, Japanese Religion in the Meiji Era, Ōbunsha, 1956.
In 1947, ahead of the new constitution the Imperial Household Act was promulgated, along with the Template:Ill2 (Law No. 4 of 1947) and the Imperial Household Office Law (Law. No. 70 of 1947) 義峯 (Komori, Yoshimine) 小森, 天皇と憲法(Tennō to kenpō), 皇學館大學出版部, 1985, p. 162.
History, su Imperial Household Agency homepage. URL consultato il Marzo 2013.
大蔵省印刷局 (National Printing Bureau) (a cura di), 法律, in 官報 (Kanpō "Official Bulletin"), n. 6076, 18 aprile 1947 (archiviato dall'url originale il 17 marzo 2016). (Text of Imperial Household Act) Article 13 stipulates authority under premier.