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Ø. Flagstad, P. Syversten, N. Stenseth and K. Jakobsen, Environmental change and rates of evolution: The phylogeographic pattern within the hartebeest complex as related to climatic variation, in Proceedings. Biological sciences / the Royal Society, 268 (1468), 2001, pp. 667–77, DOI:10.1098/rspb.2000.1416, JSTOR3067612, PMC1088655, PMID11321054.
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Ø. Flagstad, P. Syversten, N. Stenseth and K. Jakobsen, Environmental change and rates of evolution: The phylogeographic pattern within the hartebeest complex as related to climatic variation, in Proceedings. Biological sciences / the Royal Society, 268 (1468), 2001, pp. 667–77, DOI:10.1098/rspb.2000.1416, JSTOR3067612, PMC1088655, PMID11321054.
M. Mills, Prey selection and feeding habits of the large carnivores in the southern Kalahari (abstract), in Koedoe – African Protected Area Conservation and Science, 27 (2), 1º dicembre 1984, DOI:10.4102/koedoe.v27i2.586, ISSN 2071-0791 (WC · ACNP).
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M. Mills, Prey selection and feeding habits of the large carnivores in the southern Kalahari (abstract), in Koedoe – African Protected Area Conservation and Science, 27 (2), 1º dicembre 1984, DOI:10.4102/koedoe.v27i2.586, ISSN 2071-0791 (WC · ACNP).