Il totale include 55 000 morti o dispersi e morti a causa delle ferite, vedi: Urlanis, p. 85 e 2 005 militari morti nel biennio 1919-'21, nel 1922 il War Office riportava infatti le perdita a 59 330 militari, vedi: War Office, p. 237. Boris Urlanis, Wars and Population, Honolulu, University Press of the Pacific, 2003 [1971], ISBN978-1-4102-0945-0. The War Office, Statistics of the military effort of the British Empire during the Great War 1914—1920, Uckfield, East Sussex, Military and Naval Press, 2006 [1922], ISBN1-84734-681-2, OCLC137236769.
Il totale include 13 716 morti e 24 456 dispersi alla data dell'11 novembre 1918, vedi: War Office, p. 352. The War Office, Statistics of the military effort of the British Empire during the Great War 1914—1920, Uckfield, East Sussex, Military and Naval Press, 2006 [1922], ISBN1-84734-681-2, OCLC137236769.
Il totale include 56 639 militari morti in combattimento, 3 789 militari morti nel biennio 1919–'21 e 150 morti per la marina mercantile. Le perdite per Terranova sono contemplate separatamente in questa tabella. Vedi: War Office, p. 237. The War Office, Statistics of the military effort of the British Empire during the Great War 1914—1920, Uckfield, East Sussex, Military and Naval Press, 2006 [1922], ISBN1-84734-681-2, OCLC137236769.
Il totale include 1 186 000 morti o dispersi e i morti a causa delle ferite, vedi: Urlanis, p. 85, 71 100 morti tra le truppe coloniali militari e 28 600 morti tra l'11/11/1918 e il 6/1/1919, vedi:Huber, p. 414. Boris Urlanis, Wars and Population, Honolulu, University Press of the Pacific, 2003 [1971], ISBN978-1-4102-0945-0. (FR) Huber Michel, La population de la France pendant la guerre, avec un appendice sur Les revenus avant et après la guerre, Paris, 1931, OCLC4226464.
Bujac parla di 8 365 morti e 3 255 dispersi, vedi: Bujac, p. 339, mentre Urlanis stima circa 26 000 morti, vedi: Urlanis, p. 160. (FR) Bujac Jean Léopold Emile, Les campagnes de l'armèe Hellènique 1918–1922, Paris, Charles-Lavauzelle, 1930, OCLC10808602. Boris Urlanis, Wars and Population, Honolulu, University Press of the Pacific, 2003 [1971], ISBN978-1-4102-0945-0.
La cifra include le truppe dell'India britannica (le odierne India, Pakistan e Bangladesh). Il totale include 27 000 morti o dispersi e morti a causa delle ferite Urlanis, p. 85, 15 069 militari morti nel biennio 1919–'21, 1 841 canadesi della marina mercantile e 64 454 morti in battagliaWar Office, p. 237. Boris Urlanis, Wars and Population, Honolulu, University Press of the Pacific, 2003 [1971], ISBN978-1-4102-0945-0. The War Office, Statistics of the military effort of the British Empire during the Great War 1914—1920, Uckfield, East Sussex, Military and Naval Press, 2006 [1922], ISBN1-84734-681-2, OCLC137236769.
La cifra include 16 711 morti in battaglia e 702 militari morti nel 1919, vedi: War Office, p. 237. The War Office, Statistics of the military effort of the British Empire during the Great War 1914—1920, Uckfield, East Sussex, Military and Naval Press, 2006 [1922], ISBN1-84734-681-2, OCLC137236769.
La cifra include i morti per altre cause alla data del 1º gennaio 1920; 1 689 in Francia e 5 332 in Africa. La cifra non include i 12 318 dispersi o prigionieri, vedi: War Office, p. 354. The War Office, Statistics of the military effort of the British Empire during the Great War 1914—1920, Uckfield, East Sussex, Military and Naval Press, 2006 [1922], ISBN1-84734-681-2, OCLC137236769.
War Office, p. 237. The War Office, Statistics of the military effort of the British Empire during the Great War 1914—1920, Uckfield, East Sussex, Military and Naval Press, 2006 [1922], ISBN1-84734-681-2, OCLC137236769.
La cifra include 624 000 uccisi in azione Urlanis, p. 85, 34 663 morti nel biennio 1919–'21, 13 632 morti della marina mercantile, 32 287 della Royal Navy e 310 morti durante i bombardamenti sulla Gran Bretagna. Vedi: War Office, pp. 674-678. Boris Urlanis, Wars and Population, Honolulu, University Press of the Pacific, 2003 [1971], ISBN978-1-4102-0945-0. The War Office, Statistics of the military effort of the British Empire during the Great War 1914—1920, Uckfield, East Sussex, Military and Naval Press, 2006 [1922], ISBN1-84734-681-2, OCLC137236769.
La cifra include 53 402 morti in azione, 63 114 morti per altre cause e 192 caduti per la US Coast Guard, vedi: Clodefelter, p. 481 Clodfelter Michael, Warfare and Armed Conflicts : A Statistical Reference to Casualty and Other Figures, 1500–2000, 2nd, London, McFarland, 2002, ISBN0-7864-1204-6, OCLC48066096.