(EN) Confiscation of Jewish Property in Europe, 1933–1945 New Sources and Perspectives Symposium Proceedings (PDF), su ushmm.org, UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM CENTER FOR ADVANCED HOLOCAUST STUDIES, 2003. URL consultato il 2 dicembre 2017 (archiviato dall'url originale il 2 dicembre 2017).
«"Particularly impressive and equally disturbing is the robbers’ effort to ensure that property confiscation was carried out by "legal" means through a vast array of institutions and organizations set up for this purpose. The immensely bureaucratic nature of the confiscation process emerges from the vast archival trail that has survived. Arguments that no one knew about the Jews’ fate become untenable once it is clear how many people were involved in processing their property. "Legal" measures often masked theft, but blatant robbery and extortion through intimidation and physical assault were also commonplace. "»