Brooks 1899, pp. 19–20. (EN) E. W. Brooks, The Campaign of 716–718 from Arabic Sources, in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, XIX, The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 1899, pp. 19-33.
Brooks 1899, pp. 19–20; Guilland 1959, pp. 115–116. (EN) E. W. Brooks, The Campaign of 716–718 from Arabic Sources, in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, XIX, The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 1899, pp. 19-33. (FR) Rodolphe Guilland, L'Expedition de Maslama contre Constantinople (717–718), in Études byzantines, Parigi, Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Paris, 1959, pp. 109-133, OCLC603552986.
Brooks 1899, pp. 19–20; Guilland 1959, pp. 115–116. (EN) E. W. Brooks, The Campaign of 716–718 from Arabic Sources, in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, XIX, The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 1899, pp. 19-33. (FR) Rodolphe Guilland, L'Expedition de Maslama contre Constantinople (717–718), in Études byzantines, Parigi, Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Paris, 1959, pp. 109-133, OCLC603552986.
Guilland 1959, pp. 110-111. (FR) Rodolphe Guilland, L'Expedition de Maslama contre Constantinople (717–718), in Études byzantines, Parigi, Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Paris, 1959, pp. 109-133, OCLC603552986.
Per un esame dettagliato delle negoziazioni di Leone con gli Arabi di fronte ad Amorio nelle fonti bizantine ed arabe, cf. Guilland 1959, pp. 112-113, 124-126. (FR) Rodolphe Guilland, L'Expedition de Maslama contre Constantinople (717–718), in Études byzantines, Parigi, Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Paris, 1959, pp. 109-133, OCLC603552986.
Teofane Confessore fornisce la data del 15 agosto, ma il Patriarca Niceforo I sostiene che l'assedio durò tredici mesi, implicando che cominciò il 15 luglio. È possibile che la data di Teofane sia quella di fine assedio. Mango e Scott 1997, p. 548 (Note #16); Guilland 1959, pp. 116-118. (EN) Cyril Mango e Roger Scott, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor. Byzantine and Near Eastern History, AD 284–813, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1997, ISBN0-19-822568-7. (FR) Rodolphe Guilland, L'Expedition de Maslama contre Constantinople (717–718), in Études byzantines, Parigi, Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Paris, 1959, pp. 109-133, OCLC603552986.
Guilland 1959, p. 129. (FR) Rodolphe Guilland, L'Expedition de Maslama contre Constantinople (717–718), in Études byzantines, Parigi, Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Paris, 1959, pp. 109-133, OCLC603552986.