(EN) Richard Scruggs, Steven Zipperstein e Robert Lyon, Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas, Capitolo VII, Sezione A, The United States Department of Justice, 8 ottobre 1993. URL consultato il 29 gennaio 2023.
«The FBI did not exaggerate the child abuse issue when it presented the tear gas option to the Attorney General. The FBI did not try to "sell" the tear gas plan to the Attorney General as a way to save the children. While one of the FBI representatives made one misstatement indicating that Koresh was continuing to beat children during the standoff, that misstatement did not materially influence the Attorney General's decision. Indeed, the FBI included virtually no mention of child abuse in its initial briefing book for the Attorney General. In the final briefing book, prepared on the weekend before April 19, the FBI included the historical evidence of child abuse and in no way indicated that it had any evidence of continuing abuse.»