Battaglia della Piana dei Merli (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Battaglia della Piana dei Merli" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
40th place
85th place
low place
low place
low place
5,630th place
low place
1,346th place
2nd place
7th place
1,543rd place
low place

  • Si legga anche Prof. Asoc. Dr. Bedri MUHADRİ, The Battle of Kosovo 1389 and the Albanians - 1389 Kosova Savaşı ve Arnavutlar, Journal of History and Future, March 2021, Volume 7, Issue 1 - Tarih ve Gelecek Dergisi, Mart 2021, Cilt 7, Sayı 1, Article Past - Eser Geçmişi: Applied - Başvuruda bulundu 17/03/2021 Accepted - Kabul edildi 25/03/2021, Research Paper - Araştırma Makalesi:, consultabile in:

  • Si legga anche Prof. Asoc. Dr. Bedri MUHADRİ, The Battle of Kosovo 1389 and the Albanians - 1389 Kosova Savaşı ve Arnavutlar, Journal of History and Future, March 2021, Volume 7, Issue 1 - Tarih ve Gelecek Dergisi, Mart 2021, Cilt 7, Sayı 1, Article Past - Eser Geçmişi: Applied - Başvuruda bulundu 17/03/2021 Accepted - Kabul edildi 25/03/2021, Research Paper - Araştırma Makalesi:, consultabile in:

  • "Di fronte alla minaccia dell’invasione, Lazar, il più potente principe serbo ancora indipendente, si alleò con Tvrtko Kotromanic, signore della Bosnia, che aveva ricevuto da poco la corona dal re d’Ungheria e si era proclamato sovrano di tutti i popoli serbi. ... La ricostruzione storica corregge il mito del ciclo epico serbo: Kosovo Polje non fu la lotta tra la Serbia cristiana e gli infedeli. Al seguito di Lazar c’erano contingenti valacchi, croati, bulgari e albanesi. E numerosi vassalli cristiani rinforzavano anche le truppe di Murad I." La battaglia della Piana dei Merli - Festival del Medioevo

  • "Six centuries later, now, we are being again engaged in battles and are facing battles. They are not armed battles, although such things cannot be excluded yet. However, regardless of what kind of battles they are, they cannot be won without resolve, bravery, and sacrifice, without the noble qualities that were present here in the field of Kosovo in the days past. Our chief battle now concerns implementing the economic, political, cultural, and general social prosperity, finding a quicker and more successful approach to a civilization in which people will live in the 21st century. For this battle, we certainly need heroism, of course of a somewhat different kind, but that courage without which nothing serious and great can be achieved remains unchanged and remains urgently necessary."