(EN) Mariana Ortega, My Father, He Killed Me; My Mother, She Ate Me: Self, Desire, Engendering, and the Mother in «Neon Genesis Evangelion» (abstract), in Mechademia, 2:10, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2007, pp. 216-32, DOI:10.1353/mec.0.0010, ISSN 2152-6648 (WC · ACNP).
Cfr. l'articolo di David Halperin, "Myth and History in 17th Century Judaism", in The Seductiveness of Jewish Myth curato da S. Daniel Breslauer, State University of New York Press, 1997.
(EN) Mariana Ortega, My Father, He Killed Me; My Mother, She Ate Me: Self, Desire, Engendering, and the Mother in «Neon Genesis Evangelion» (abstract), in Mechademia, 2:10, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2007, pp. 216-32, DOI:10.1353/mec.0.0010, ISSN 2152-6648 (WC · ACNP).
Artson, Bradley ShavitArchiviato il 29 luglio 2011 in Internet Archive., From the Periphery to the Centre: Kabbalah and the Conservative Movement, United Synagogue Review, 2005, Vol. 57, Nr. 2.
Per altre interpretazioni e calcoli, si veda Guematrio (FR) : calcolatore ghematrico per iPhone (calcola i valori numerici delle lettere ebraiche, ecc.)
(EN) Mariana Ortega, My Father, He Killed Me; My Mother, She Ate Me: Self, Desire, Engendering, and the Mother in «Neon Genesis Evangelion» (abstract), in Mechademia, 2:10, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2007, pp. 216-32, DOI:10.1353/mec.0.0010, ISSN 2152-6648 (WC · ACNP).
(HE) קַבָּלָה, su Morfix™, ™מורפיקס, Melingo Ltd. URL consultato il 20 maggio 2016 (archiviato dall'url originale il 26 marzo 2016).
Artson, Bradley ShavitArchiviato il 29 luglio 2011 in Internet Archive., From the Periphery to the Centre: Kabbalah and the Conservative Movement, United Synagogue Review, 2005, Vol. 57, Nr. 2.
(EN) Mariana Ortega, My Father, He Killed Me; My Mother, She Ate Me: Self, Desire, Engendering, and the Mother in «Neon Genesis Evangelion» (abstract), in Mechademia, 2:10, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2007, pp. 216-32, DOI:10.1353/mec.0.0010, ISSN 2152-6648 (WC · ACNP).