Bondioli 2018, p. 487. (EN) Lorenzo M. Bondioli, Islamic Bari between the Aghlabids and the Two Empires, in Glaire D. Anderson, Corisande Fenwick e Mariam Rosser-Owen (a cura di), The Aghlabids and Their Neighbors: Art and Material Culture in Ninth-Century North Africa, Brill, 2018, pp. 470-490.
Bondioli 2018, p. 488. (EN) Lorenzo M. Bondioli, Islamic Bari between the Aghlabids and the Two Empires, in Glaire D. Anderson, Corisande Fenwick e Mariam Rosser-Owen (a cura di), The Aghlabids and Their Neighbors: Art and Material Culture in Ninth-Century North Africa, Brill, 2018, pp. 470-490.