Holocaust Encyclopedia, Treblinka, su ushmm.org, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. URL consultato il 3 maggio 2012 (archiviato dall'url originale il 3 maggio 2012).
Dr Tomasz Andrzejewski, Dyrektor Muzeum Miejskiego w Nowej Soli (8 January 2010), 'Organizacja Schmelt.' Marsz śmierci z Neusalz (Internet Archive). Skradziona pamięć! Tygodnik Krąg. Retrieved 22 May 2015.
Edward Kopówka (translated from the Polish by Dobrochna Fire), The Jews in Siedlce 1850–1945. Chapter 2: The Extermination of Siedlce Jews.The Holocaust, pp. 137–167. Yizkor Book Project. Note: the testimonials from young children beyond their level of competence, such as G. Niewiadomski's (age 13) and similar others, quoted by the author from H. Grynberg (OCLC805264789), are intentionally omitted for the sake of reliability. Retrieved via Internet Archive on 30 October 2015.
(DE) Jürgen Reents, 2,500 Firmen – Sklavenhalter im NS-Lagersystem, su ta7.de, Die Zeitung "Neues Deutschland", 16 novembre 1999 (archiviato dall'url originale il 19 luglio 2011). Ospitato su Internet Archive.
Holocaust Encyclopedia (2014), The Gross-Rosen concentration camp (Internet Archive). United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Retrieved 22 May 2015.
(PL) Historia KL Gross-Rosen, su gross-rosen.eu, Muzeum Gross Rosen w Rogoźnicy. URL consultato il 20 maggio 2015 (archiviato dall'url originale il 23 aprile 2014). Ospitato su Internet Archive.
One place, different memories, su geschichtswerkstatt-europa.org, Geschichtswerkstatt Europa, 2010. URL consultato il 12 agosto 2015 (archiviato dall'url originale il 16 luglio 2011).
Edward Kopówka (translated from the Polish by Dobrochna Fire), The Jews in Siedlce 1850–1945. Chapter 2: The Extermination of Siedlce Jews.The Holocaust, pp. 137–167. Yizkor Book Project. Note: the testimonials from young children beyond their level of competence, such as G. Niewiadomski's (age 13) and similar others, quoted by the author from H. Grynberg (OCLC805264789), are intentionally omitted for the sake of reliability. Retrieved via Internet Archive on 30 October 2015.