Commissione internazionale dei giuristi (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Commissione internazionale dei giuristi" in Italian language version.

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325th place
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27th place
62nd place
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1,972nd place
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  • (EN) International Commission of Jurists Advocates for Justice and Human Rights - The Commission, su URL consultato il 23 aprile 2020.
    «The International Commission of Jurists is comprised of up to sixty lawyers (including senior judges, attorneys and academics) dedicated to ensuring respect for international human rights standards through the law. Commissioners are known for their experience, knowledge and fundamental commitment to human rights. The composition of the Commission aims to reflect the geographical diversity of the world and its many legal systems.»
  • (EN) International Congress of Jurist - PART ONE - Idea and Preparation of Congress Plenary Meetings of Congress (PDF), su, luglio 1952. URL consultato il 23 aprile 2020.
  • (EN) Part One: 1952-1970, su URL consultato il 23 aprile 2020.
    «The ICJ was established following the ‘International Congress of Jurists’ held in West Berlin in July 1952. The ‘Standing Committee of the Congress’, appointed by delegates to expand the work of the German ‘Investigating Committee of Free Jurists’, created the ‘International Commission of Jurists’ in 1953; a permanent body dedicated to defending human rights through the Rule of Law»
  • (EN) International Congress of Jurists – West Berlin 1952 – complete report, discourses and protocols, su URL consultato il 23 aprile 2020.
    «The 1st International Congress of Jurists for the protection of right against systematic injustice was held in West Berlin with the cooperation of delegates from 43 countries, amongst whom 32 Ministers and statesmen, 32 professors, 35 presidents, judges and counsel in High Courts of Justice.»
  • (EN) Icj - Regions, su URL consultato il 24 aprile 2020.
  • (EN) Icj - Europe and Central Asia, su URL consultato il 24 aprile 2020.
  • (EN) Icj - Middle East and North Africa, su URL consultato il 24 aprile 2020.
  • (EN) Icj - Africa, su URL consultato il 24 aprile 2020.
  • (EN) Icj - Asia e Pacifico, su URL consultato il 24 aprile 2020.
  • (EN) Icj - Sud-est asiatico, su URL consultato il 25 aprile 2020.
  • (EN) Icj - Onorary Member, su URL consultato il 24 aprile 2020.
  • (EN) THE RULE OF LAW IN A FREE SOCIETY: A REPORT ON THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF JURISTS, NEW DELHI, INDIA JANUARY 5-10, 1959 (PDF), in Rapporto, Ginevra, International Commission of Jurist, 5 gennaio 1959. URL consultato il 26 aprile 2020.
    «Define and describe within the context of modern constitutional and legal practice the Rule of Law /To consider what minimum safeguards are necessary to ensure the just Rule of Law and the protection of individuals against arbitrary action by the State.”»
  • (EN) Bulletin of the International Commission of Jurists:Act of Athens (PDF), in bollettino, Ginevra, International Commission of Jurist, 5 gennaio 1959. URL consultato il 26 aprile 2020.
    «The recollections of the International Congress of Jurists, held under the auspices of the International Commission of Jurists from 13 to 20 June 1955, are interwoven with the proud and graceful silhouette of the Acropolis, the fascinating interpretation of Aeschylus’s Oresteia on the Pnyx, and the memory-evoking hill of the Areopagus. The Act of Athens, in which the fundamental principles constituting the pillars of the Rule of Law were once again formulated for the contemporary jurists and the modern world, radiates in its style the spirit represented by the mighty ruins of the cradle of Western civilization.»
  • (EN) International Commission of Jurists:Executive Action and the Rule of Law - A REPORT ON THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF JURISTS, RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL (PDF), in rapporto, Ginevra, International Commission of Jurist, 15 dicembre 1962. URL consultato il 26 aprile 2020.
    «The subjects for discussion at the Congress were distributed among four Committees. Committee One concerned itself with “ Procedures utilized by Administrative Agencies and Executive Officials ”, Com mittee Two with “ Control by the Legislature and the Courts over Executive Action ”, Committee Three with “ The Responsibility of Lawyers in a Changing World ” and Committee Four with “ The Role of Legal Education in a Changing Society A summary of the discussions as well as the Conclusions reached by each of these Committees appear in this Report.»
  • (EN) THE RULE OF LAW and HUMAN RIGHTS Principles and Definitions (PDF), in rapporto, Ginevra, International Commission of Jurist, 5 gennaio 1959. URL consultato il 26 aprile 2020.
    «The Declaration of Colombo stressed the duty of lawyers to bring to the attention of all members of the community the practical relevance of the Rule of Law in their daily life and aspirations. Besides the methods by which the Rule of Law could be adequately introduced to the average citizen, the colloquium considered such matters as problems arising from the nationalization of property and examined how the citizen could be provided with an informal and prompt means of redress of his grievances in his dealings with the administration. The Act of Athens, the Declaration of Delhi, the Law of Lagos, the Resolution of Rio, the Declaration of Bangkok and the Declara tion of Colombo crystallize in summary form the conclusions of the congresses and conferences held under the aegis of the International Commission of Jurists.»
  • (EN) Bulletin of the International Commission of Jurists n.26 (PDF), in bollettino, Ginevra, International Commission of Jurist, giugno 1966. URL consultato il 26 aprile 2020.
    «The Ceylon Section of the International Commission ofJurists, in collaboration with the Commission, held a very successful Colloquium on the Rule of Law at the “ Hotel Taprobane ”, Colombo, from January 10 to 15, 1966. The Colloquium, which was a follow-up to the South-East Asian and Pacific Conference of Jurists held at Bangkok in February 1965, was attended by nearly

    100 Ceylonese and foreign participants. The foreign participants were largely from Asian countries. Mr. Vivian Bose, the President of the International Commission of Jurists, Mr. Sean MacBride, the Secretary-General and Mr. Lucian G. Weeramantry, the Senior Legal Officer, also attended. The Colloquium was opened by the Hon. Dudley Senanayake, Prime Minister of Ceylon, and among the principal speakers at the Plenary Sessions were Mr. H. H. Basnayake, Q.C., former Chief Justice of Ceylon and President of the International Commission of Jurists (Ceylon Section); Mr. Vivian Bose; Mr. Sean MacBride; Mr. Justice T. S. Fernando, C.B.E., Q.C., Member, International Commission of Jurists; Mr. M. H. M. Naina Marickar, Parlia mentary Secretary, Ministry of Justice; Mr. S. V. Gupte, Solicitor- General of India; and Sir Dingle Foote, Q.C., Solicitor-General of England.

    The Conclusions and Resolutions of the Colloquium, which are published below, indicate the subjects discussed by the four dif ferent Committees. The Declaration of Colombo, which crystal lises the Conclusions, appears at the end of this article. .»
  • (EN) International Commission of Jurists: Justice and the Individual: The Rule of Law under Current Pressures (PDF), in rapporto, Ginevra, International Commission of Jurist, 15 dicembre 1962. URL consultato il 26 aprile 2020.
    «The Aspen Conference was dedicated to the theme of "Justice and the Individual: The Rule of Law under Current Pressures". The meeting was sponsored by the American Association for the International Commission of Jurists and the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies. Among the participants were 22 Commissioners, 21 guest participants and two observers.

    Professor Louis Henkin of Columbia University introduced the theme of the conference. Subsequent in-depth discussion centered on the following presentations of background papers: "The Growing Use of Arbitrary Power", by Professor Frank Newman of the University of California; "Violence and Human Rights", by former ICJ Secretary-General Sean MacBride; and "Racial Discrimination", by Professor Joel Carlson of the Center for International Studies at New York University.

    In the final document of the Aspen conference, conclusions were adopted on the three themes of the papers. In its conclusions, the Commission first outlined the various pressures to which the Rule of Law had been subjected in many countries of the world. Such pressures included the tendency of many governments, especially in countries where there was an urgent need for economic advancement, to undermine the basic civil and political rights of individuals. The Commission also pointed to the widespread disregard for international humanitarian law and the phenomenon of "infectious violence", which, as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes, is often the last resort of those who are too long denied their human rights under the Rule of Law. The Commission also expressed its concern over the situation in South Africa.»
  • (EN) International Commission of Jurists: (PDF), in rapporto, Ginevra, International Commission of Jurist - 25th Anniversary Meeting, 1977 Vienna, Austria 19th – 22nd April 1977, 22 aprile 1977. URL consultato il 2 maggio 2020.
    «The 25th Anniversary meeting of the International Commission of Jurists in Vienna was dedicated to the theme of “Human Rights in an Undemocratic World”. The meeting gathered more than 60 participants from 32 countries in all parts of the world. Participants included representatives of national sections and a number of well-known international jurists, including: Lord Gardiner, the former Lord Chancellor of Great Britain; Judge Dudley Bonsal of the United States District Court in New York; Judge Haim Cohn of the Supreme Court of Israel; Judge Gustaf Petren, the former Swedish Ombudsman; Roberto Conception, the former Chief Justice of the Philippines; and John P. Humphrey, the former director of the United Nations Human Rights Division.

    The participants asserted the need to devise ways of assisting lawyers and judges who were being harassed or persecuted as a consequence of their work in defence of human rights, and in defending political prisoners. The discussion resulted in the establishment of the ICJ's Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers (CIJL) within the Geneva Secretariat; a centre similar to the one which had already established within the United States Section of the ICJ. Another prominent theme of discussion was the ineffectiveness of the UN machinery in protecting human rights. Participants affirmed the need to make use of the “1503 procedure” of the UN Commission on Human Rights, and to make more effective the complaint mechanisms under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and under the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Many participants voiced the opinion that the ICJ could have an invaluable role to play at the international level in assisting and compelling the UN to strengthen its mechanisms.

    Other discussions and conclusions focused on the Rule of Law in one-party States and the Rule of Law under Military Regimes, and the question of minority rights»
  • (EN) Icj - Sections and Affiliates, su URL consultato il 2 maggio 2020.
  • (EN) Icj - The Commission, su URL consultato il 24 aprile 2020.
  • (EN) Icj - European Human Rights Prize, su URL consultato il 24 aprile 2020.
  • (EN) Icj - Wateler Peace Prize, su URL consultato il 24 aprile 2020.
  • (EN) Icj - Erasmus Prize, su URL consultato il 24 aprile 2020.
  • (EN) Icj - United Nations Award for Human Rights, su URL consultato il 24 aprile 2020.

  • (EN) International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), su, 31 ottobre 2016. URL consultato il 23 aprile 2020.
    «Dedicated to the primacy, coherence and implementation of international law and principles that advance human rights....What distinguishes the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) is its impartial, objective and authoritative legal approach to the protection and promotion of human rights through the rule of law.»

  • (EN) Save the Tibet - Light of Truth Award, su URL consultato il 25 aprile 2020.
    «The International Commission of Jurists, an NGO dedicated to strengthening the role of lawyers and judges in protecting and promoting human rights and the rule of law, for its seminal reports and legal advocacy on Tibet. The award was received by Mr. Wilder Tayler, Secretary General, International Commission of Jurists. Mr. Tayler said: “You cannot imagine the outpouring of emails I have received even from very old members of the ICJ and the pride and joy in receiving the recognition of the work of ICJ by the Tibetan community, by His Holiness, by the solidarity organisations. Really it has been so moving. This prize will be dedicated to the late Nick Howen, my immediate predecessor and very dear friend who passed away quite tragically three years ago. Nick was a devoted activist of the Tibet cause; he not only put a lot of hours, he actually put his life at risk when there was need of it in order to pursue the cause, to bring information out of Tibet.”»

  • (EN) History / Stasi Prisoners / Biographies/ Walter Linse, su URL consultato il 24 aprile 2020.
    «On July 8, 1952, the Ministry of State Security (MfS) dispatched a commando of hired criminals to kidnap him and bring him to East Berlin. His kidnappers abducted him near his home, bundled him into a car disguised as a taxi, and shot him in the leg to prevent resistance. Linse was brought to the central MfS remand prison in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen. Erich Mielke, then Minister of State Security, signed the "detention order" issued on the same day.»

  • Commissione internazionale dei giuristi: pubblicata la versione italiana della Guida per operatori del diritto “L’immigrazione e la normativa internazionale dei diritti umani, su, 17 ottobre 2012. URL consultato il 23 aprile 2020.
    «International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) è un’organizzazione non governativa composta da 60 giudici ed avvocati eminenti provenienti da tutte le regioni del mondo con l’obiettivo di promuovere e proteggere i diritti umani attraverso lo stato di diritto, facendo uso della sua particolare esperienza del diritto per sviluppare e rafforzare i sistemi giudiziari nazionali ed internazionali. Fondata nel 1952 e attiva in cinque continenti, l’ICJ mira ad assicurare lo sviluppo progressivo e l’implementazione efficace del diritto internazionale dei diritti umani e del diritto internazionale umanitario; ad assicurare la realizzazione dei diritti civili, culturali, economici, politici e sociali; a salvaguardare la separazione dei poteri e a garantire l’indipendenza della magistratura e della professione forense.»