"About Us." (Archive) Consiglio di amministrazione della pubblica istruzione della Città di New York. "1.1 million students" e "~1,700 schools" e "75,000 teachers"
"About Us." (Archive) Consiglio di amministrazione della pubblica istruzione della Città di New York. "1.1 million students" e "~1,700 schools" e "75,000 teachers"
Baum, Geraldine. "N.Y. union seeks to block disclosure of teacher evaluations." Los Angeles Times. 9 dicembre 2010. "The New York City teachers union argued Wednesday before the state Supreme Court that the nation's largest school district should not follow through with its plan to disclose evaluation information about some 12,000 teachers by name, saying it could do serious harm. The union filed a lawsuit this fall to stop the New York City Department of Education[...]"