Controcultura degli anni 1960 (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Controcultura degli anni 1960" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
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14th place
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19th place
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92nd place
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219th place
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555th place
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424th place
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61st place
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104th place
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499th place
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26th place
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1,869th place
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  • (EN) Terry H. Anderson, The Movement and the Sixties, Oxford University Press, 1995, ISBN 978-0-19-510457-8.
  • (EN)

    «Culture is the "social heritage" of society. It includes the complex set of learned and shared beliefs, customs, skills, habits, traditions, and knowledge common to the members of society. Within a culture, there may be subcultures made up of specific groups that are somewhat separate from the rest of society because of distinct traits, beliefs, or interests.»


    «Cultura è il "patrimonio sociale" della società. Esso comprende il complesso insieme di convinzioni apprese e condivise, costumi, capacità, abitudini, tradizioni e conoscenze comuni dei membri della società. All'interno della cultura possono esserci delle subcolture create da specifici gruppi che sono in qualche modo separati dal resto della società a motivo di tratti distinti, convinzioni o interessi.»

  • Todd Gitlin, The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage, New York, 1993, p. 286.
  • Carl Liungman, Dictionary of Symbols, Santa Barbara, CA, ABC-CLIO, 1991, p. 253, ISBN 0-87436-610-0.
  • Alec Gallup e Frank Newport, The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion 2005, Rowman & Littlefield, agosto 2006, pp. 315–318, ISBN 978-0-7425-5258-6.

  • "Los anarco-individualistas, G.I.A. ... Una escisión de la FAI producida en el IX Congreso (Carrara, 1965) se pr odujo cuando un sector de anarquistas de tendencia humanista rechazan la interpretación que ellos juzgan disciplinaria del pacto asociativo" clásico, y crean los GIA (Gruppi di Iniziativa Anarchica). Esta pequeña federación de grupos, hoy nutrida sobre todo de veteranos anarco-individualistas de orientación pacifista, naturista, etcétera defiende la autonomía personal y rechaza a rajatabla toda forma de intervención en los procesos del sistema, como sería por ejemplo el sindicalismo. Su portavoz es L'Internazionale con sede en Ancona. La escisión de los GIA prefiguraba, en sentido contrario, el gran debate que pronto había de comenzar en el seno del movimiento"El movimiento libertario en Italia" by Bicicleta. REVISTA DE COMUNICACIONES LIBERTARIAS Year 1 No. 1 novembre 1977 Archiviato il 12 ottobre 2013 in Internet Archive.

  • The Quality that Made Radio Popular, su, US FCC. URL consultato il 18 aprile 2014.
    «It was not until the 1960s...that the quality advantage of FM combined with stereo was enjoyed by most Americans»

  • David Holloway, Yippies, in St. James Encyclopedia of Pop Culture, 2002.

  • "The Left Bank Revisited: Marker, Resnais, Varda", Harvard Film Archive, [1] Archiviato il 7 settembre 2015 in Internet Archive., accesso 16 agosto 2008.

  • (EN)

    «Explore the existence of the generation gap that took place in the 1960s through this Ask Steve video. Steve Gillon explains there was even a larger gap between the Baby Boomers themselves than the Baby Boomers and the Greatest Generation. The massive Baby Boomers Generation was born between 1946 and 1964, consisting of nearly 78 million people. The Baby Boomers were coming of age in the 1960s, and held different cultural values than the Greatest Generation. The Greatest Generation lived in a time of self-denial, while the Baby Boomers were always seeking immediate gratification. However, the Baby Boomers were more divided amongst themselves. Not all of them were considered hippies and protesters. In fact, people under the age of 28 supported the Vietnam War in greater numbers than their parents. These divisions continue to play out today.»


    «Esplora l'esistenza del divario generazionale che ebbe luogo negli anni '60 attraverso questo video Ask Steve. Steve Gillon spiega che vi era anche un grande divario che ebbe luogo tra i "figli del boom" stessi e i "figli del boom" e la generazione più anziana. La massiccia generazione dei "figli del boom" sorse tra il 1946 e il 1964, consistendo in quasi 78 milioni di persone. I "figli del boom" giunsero all'età negli anni 1960 e avevano valori culturali differenti da quelli della generazione più anziana. Quest'ultima viveva in un tempo di auto-negazione, mentre i "figli del boom" erano sempre in cerca di una gratificazione immediata. Comunque i "figli del boom" erano più divisi fra loro. Non tutti loro erano considerati "hippy" o contestatori. In effetti, gente sotto i 28 anni sopportarono la Guerra del Vietnam in numero maggiore dei loro genitori. Queste divisioni continuano a giocare il loro ruolo oggi.»

  • The Lovin' Spoonful, su Maggie's farm. Sito italiano di Bob Dylan. URL consultato il 3 gennaio 2023.

  • "Within the movements of the sixties there was much more receptivity to anarchism-in-fact than had existed in the movements of the thirties ... But the movements of the sixties were driven by concerns that were more compatible with an expressive style of politics, with hostility to authority in general and state power in particular ... By the late sixties, political protest was intertwined with cultural radicalism based on a critique of all authority and all hierarchies of power. Anarchism circulated within the movement along with other radical ideologies. The influence of anarchism was strongest among radical feminists, in the commune movement, and probably in the Weather Underground and elsewhere in the violent fringe of the anti-war movement." "Anarchism and the Anti-Globalization Movement" by Barbara Epstein

  • "Farrell provides a detailed history of the Catholic Workers and their founders Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. He explains that their pacifism, anarchism, and commitment to the downtrodden were one of the important models and inspirations for the 60s. As Farrell puts it, 'Catholic Workers identified the issues of the sixties before the Sixties began, and they offered models of protest long before the protest decade.'" "The Spirit of the Sixties: The Making of Postwar Radicalism" by James J. Farrell

  • Bob Mondello, Remembering Hollywood's Hays Code, 40 Years On, su, 8 agosto 2008. URL consultato il 18 aprile 2014.
    «... It took just two years...for Midnight Cowboy to be re-rated from X to R, without a single frame being altered. Community standards had changed — as they invariably do»

  • Patricia Muir, History of Pesticide Use, su, Oregon State College. URL consultato il 7 luglio 2014.
    «Then, things began to temper the enthusiasm for pesticides. Notable among these was the publication of Rachel Carson's best selling book "Silent Spring," which was published in 1962. She (a scientist) issued grave warnings about pesticides, and predicted massive destruction of the planet's fragile ecosystems unless more was done to halt what she called the "rain of chemicals." In retrospect, this book really launched the environmental movement.»

  • A Social History of America's Most Popular Drugs, su, [Frontline]. URL consultato il 23 aprile 2014.
    «from 1951 to 1956 stricter sentencing laws set mandatory minimum sentences for drug-related offenses. In the 1950s the beatniks appropriated the use of marijuana from the black hepsters and the drug moved into middle-class white America in the 1960s.»

  • Mervin B. Freedman e Harvey Powelson, Drugs on Campus: Turned On & Tuned Out (PDF), in The Nation, New York, Nation Co. LP, 31 gennaio 1966, pp. 125–127.
    «Within the last five years the ingestion of various drugs has become widespread on the American campus.»

  • Birth Rate Chart (GIF), in CNN, CNN, 11 agosto 2011.
    «Annotated Chart of 20th Century US Birth Rates»

  • Flower Power, su, Hall Association, 2014. URL consultato il 28 luglio 2014.
    «Like the utopian societies of the 1840s, over 2000 rural communes formed during these turbulent times. Completely rejecting the capitalist system, many communes rotated duties, made their own laws, and elected their own leaders. Some were philosophically based, but others were influenced by new religions. Earth-centered religions, astrological beliefs, and Eastern faiths proliferated across American campuses. Some scholars labeled this trend as the Third Great Awakening.»

  • "During the 1960s, Marcuse achieved world renown as "the guru of the New Left," publishing many articles and giving lectures and advice to student radicals all over the world. He travelled widely and his work was often discussed in the mass media, becoming one of the few American intellectuals to gain such attention. Never surrendering his revolutionary vision and commitments, Marcuse continued to his death to defend the Marxian theory and libertarian socialism." Douglas Kellner "Marcuse, Herbert" Archiviato il 7 febbraio 2012 in Internet Archive.
  • Douglas Kellner Herbert Marcuse