Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Demografia dell'ateismo" in Italian language version.
«The question asked was "Do you consider yourself to be...?" With a card showing: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Other Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist, and Non-believer/Agnostic. Space was given for Other and Don't know. Jewish, Sikh, Buddhist, Hindu did not reach the 1% threshold.»
«La domanda posta fu "ti consideri ...?" con una scheda che mostrava: Cattolico, Ortodosso, Protestante, Altra confessione cristiana, Ebreo, Musulmano, Sikh, Buddista, Induista, Ateo e Non-credente/agnostico. Fu dato spazio per Altri e "Non so". Ebrei, Sikh, Buddisti, Induisti non raggiunsero la soglia dell'1%»